php-general Digest 27 Jan 2007 18:24:58 -0000 Issue 4593

Topics (messages 247873 through 247891):

        247873 by: ed gregory

        247874 by: Eduard Grigoryan

Re: SQL Readability..  (was Re: most powerful php editor)
        247875 by: Satyam
        247877 by: Jochem Maas
        247887 by: Robert Cummings
        247888 by: Larry Garfield

Rory Browne from this php list (0.T)
        247876 by: Ryan A

Re: PHP & Flash
        247878 by: Jochem Maas

Re: Create ACH Origination file with PHP
        247879 by: Jochem Maas
        247885 by: Jay Blanchard

Re: Result sorting not working
        247880 by: Jochem Maas

Re: php & javascript interaction
        247881 by: Jochem Maas

        247882 by: koen
        247883 by: Jay Blanchard
        247886 by: Myron Turner

Re: Can a class instance a property of another class
        247884 by: Edward Kay
        247889 by: Jochem Maas
        247890 by: Ken Kixmoeller -- reply to

Sporadic MSSQL connection error
        247891 by:


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--- Begin Message ---
Can anyone give me an example on using connect.c with php?

Thank you.



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Can anyone give me an example on using connect.c with php?

Thank you.


Armenian Freenet Catalog

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----- Original Message ----- From: "Larry Garfield" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 27, 2007 12:18 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] SQL Readability.. (was Re: most powerful php editor)

I have long since given up on raw insert/update/delete statements as the
syntax is all kinds nasty. These days I just do this, which is even easier
and more powerful:

I tried the following:

insert('sometable',array('when' => mktime(0,0,0,2,1,2007),'if' => true));

which produced the following SQL statement:

INSERT INTO sometable (when) VALUES (1170284400,1170284400)

The problem is that PHP types do not correspond to SQL types. Though a boolean does identify itself as such, a date never does. Your switch() on the gettype() of the value misses the type 'boolean' so it falls through the default: case which then appends whatever was left from the previous pass. However, even adding a case for type boolean there is no way to recognize dates since they are no more than integers for all PHP cares. Finally, what happens with an expression that produces a sort-of boolean, like anything non-zero for true?

Those are the reasons I used type modifiers in my BuildSql function (, I couldn't rely on PHP figuring them out correctly. This also allowed me to expand those modifiers to optional positional modifiers and null handling ones.

I even tried to query the SQL engine to report them back, but that was also unreliable, MySql for one, reports the type of what it used to store it, not what you declared them to be. Thus, for a boolean field it will report integer, but if you try to store a number other than 0 or 1 it then complains. So, unable to get reliable information from either end, I decided on stating the type explicitly on the query string.


On Friday 26 January 2007 10:03 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
My contribution to the insanity..  INSERT statements made easy:

$genericQY = "INSERT INTO MOD_LMGR_Leads ("; $genericQYvalues = " VALUES
("; $genericQY .= " FirstName,";                   $genericQYvalues .= "
'John',"; $genericQY .= " LastName";                     $genericQYvalues
.= " 'Smith'"; $genericQY .= " )";
$genericQYvalues .= " );"; $genericQY .= $genericQYvalues;
$genericRS = mysql_query($genericQY);

I use this structure so if I decide that I don't need certain data I can
comment out a single line to remove the column name and corresponding
value. Also helpful for making updates to column/value pairs and not worry
about the dreaded error involve # of columns not matching.

Only things you have to watch for:

1. Make sure you don't have a comma on the last item
2. Make sure you have spaces where appropriate so when it concatenates the strings, you don't get stuff crammed together (not really an issue with the
INSERT statement, but I try to keep a consistant practice with all my
queries so I don't slip up..   SELECT columnsFROM tableWHERE something =
something is where it really gets ya if you forget spaces.. just as an
example) 3. Make sure to remember to concatenate the "query" and "values"

I like to think this is a little "outside the box" thinking since common
practice is "one command, one line" or "total chaos" hah.

Any comments on improving this or other unique stylistic ways people like
to design their code?


= = = Original message = = =

On Wed, January 24, 2007 8:07 pm, Robert Cummings wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-01-24 at 18:23 -0600, Richard Lynch wrote:
>> On Wed, January 24, 2007 7:41 am, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
>> > # [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2007-01-24 13:57:03 +0200:
>> >> and also in these days I'm looking for 19 inch (or more) wide LCD
>> >> sceerns to able to fit longer lines in my screen...
>> >
>> > Number of reading errors people make grows with line length,
>> > this has been known for as long as I remember.  You're increasing
>> the
>> > probability of bugs in the code, and get tired sooner because
>> > following
>> > long lines requires more energy.
>> I believe those results are specific to what is being read.
>> Surely it's easier to read:
>> SELECT blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah
>> if it's all on one line, no matter how many fields there are, while
>> trying to read the code as a whole.
>> Sure, it can be "hard" to find/read the individual field names, on
>> the
>> rare occasion that you need to do that...
> Dear Mr Lynch, normally I highly respect your commentary on the list,
> but today I think you've been-a-smoking the crackpipe a tad too much.
> There is no way in hell one long line of SQL is easier to read than
> formatted SQL that clearly delineates the clause structure.
> SELECT A.field1 AS afield1, A.field2 AS afield2, B.field1 AS bfield1,
> B.field2 AS bfield2, C.field1 AS cfield1, C.field2 AS cfield2,
> D.field1
> AS dfield1, D.field2 AS dfield2 FROM tableA as A LEFT JOIN tableB AS B
> ON B.fee = LEFT JOIN tableC AS C ON C.fii = B.fee LEFT JOIN
> tableD
> AS D ON D.fuu = C.fii WHERE = 'someValue' ORDER BY afield1 ASC,
> cfield2 ASC
> The above line "should" be on one line, but my email client might
> autowrap it. Either way, the following is formatted and is much
> clearer.
>     A.field1 AS afield1,
>     A.field2 AS afield2,
>     B.field1 AS bfield1,
>     B.field2 AS bfield2,
>     C.field1 AS cfield1,
>     C.field2 AS cfield2,
>     D.field1 AS dfield1,
>     D.field2 AS dfield2
>     tableA as A
>         LEFT JOIN tableB AS B ON
>             B.fee =
>         LEFT JOIN tableC AS C ON
>             C.fii = B.fee
>         LEFT JOIN tableD AS D ON
>             D.fuu = C.fii
> = 'someValue'
>     afield1 ASC,
>     cfield2 ASC
> While the above is contrived, most of us know such examples happen
> quite
> often in the wild. Not only is it easier to read, but the task of
> adding
> or removing selected fields is trivial.

I meant ONLY the SELECT part on a single line.

Only a moron would cram the FROM and all that into the same line.


$query = "SELECT blah1, blah2, blah3, ... blah147 ";
$query .= " FROM table1 ";
$query .= " LEFT OUTER JOIN table2 ";
$query .= "    ON blah7 = blah42 ";
$query .= " WHERE blah16 ";
$query .= "   AND blah42 ";
$query .= " ORDER BY blah9, blah8 desc, blah6 ";

is what I go for.

The SELECT line is the only one that ever gets all that long, really...

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some starving artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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Larry Garfield AIM: LOLG42

"If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of
exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea,
which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to
himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession of every one, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it." -- Thomas

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Larry Garfield wrote:
> I have long since given up on raw insert/update/delete statements as the 
> syntax is all kinds nasty.  These days I just do this, which is even easier 
> and more powerful:

a quick look at those funcs gives me the impression that they are woefully
inadequate for any level of complex realworld use.

query builders are alot more fiddly to get 'right' than one might imagine,
dealing with NULLs, booleans and dates for example (as Satyam pointed out)
can be a right PITA.

perfect automated CRUD (it's an acronym!) is kind a holy grail - and
that is, I think, the driving force behind most attempts to crteate query 

also I don't really agree with the sentiment that SQL syntax is nasty,
personally I find it, mostly, very easy to read and powerful ... but as this
thread shows there is no accounting for taste! :-)

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On Sat, 2007-01-27 at 14:43 +0100, Jochem Maas wrote:
> also I don't really agree with the sentiment that SQL syntax is nasty,

Hear, hear :)

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On Saturday 27 January 2007 7:43 am, Jochem Maas wrote:
> Larry Garfield wrote:
> > I have long since given up on raw insert/update/delete statements as the
> > syntax is all kinds nasty.  These days I just do this, which is even
> > easier and more powerful:
> >
> >
> a quick look at those funcs gives me the impression that they are woefully
> inadequate for any level of complex realworld use.

That's interesting, because I've been using variants of that for a year now 
with much success in a dozen projects.  

> query builders are alot more fiddly to get 'right' than one might imagine,
> dealing with NULLs, booleans and dates for example (as Satyam pointed out)
> can be a right PITA.

I actually almost never use native date types in the SQL database.  I just 
store unix timestamps and do the math in PHP.  Dates are completely 
unportable anyway.  I also tend to use ints for booleans, too, although 
beefing up the switch statements in the code to handle native booleans should 
be trivial.  

> perfect automated CRUD (it's an acronym!) is kind a holy grail - and
> that is, I think, the driving force behind most attempts to crteate query
> builders.

Orthogonal persistence is, yes.  The goal here was simply to make dealing with 
arbitrary insert and update statements easier, which in practice I've found 
to be a huge success.  Full arbitrary CRUD and orthogonal persistence is much 
harder.  That's why there's a dozen ORMs out there, all of which have some 
major flaw. :-)  

> also I don't really agree with the sentiment that SQL syntax is nasty,
> personally I find it, mostly, very easy to read and powerful ... but as
> this thread shows there is no accounting for taste! :-)

What bugs me most about SQL syntax is INSERT vs. UPDATE.  I don't know the 
underlying implementation details of the engine, but from the level I work at 
(sending SQL to a database from a web app) I see no legitimate reason why 
those two very-similar statements should have ridiculously different syntax.  

Larry Garfield                  AIM: LOLG42
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               ICQ: 6817012

"If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of 
exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, 
which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to 
himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession 
of every one, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it."  -- Thomas 

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As some of you might remember: a little while back I had a project to be done 
in PHP, which I asked if anyone on the list would be interested in completing 
for $800 USD.

Rory Browne from the list got the job and around the 15th of Jan he told me he 
completed the work and was going to send me/setup the software but then I did 
not get any word from him after multiple emails in the days since, am wondering 
if something bad happened to him... (hope not)

Does anyone know Rory Browne's phone number or any other contact details?


- The faulty interface lies between the chair and the keyboard.
- Creativity is great, but plagiarism is faster!
- Smile, everyone loves a moron. :-)
Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.

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Skip Evans wrote:
> Jochem Maas wrote:
>>> Anyone have any experience with PHP/Actionscript on Linux?
>> wtf?

ah ok, so the idiots guide to flash/php interaction wasn't really needed :-)

> Oh my God. What am I thinking? Please folks, I am really not this
> stupid. It has been too, too long a day. Yes, I just need to upgrade
> Flash on this workstation.

glad you got it sorted.

> Skip

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--- Begin Message ---
Dan Harrington wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anyone know of a script that can create an ACH origination file
> with PHP?

SingTFW didn't turn up anything for php but maybe the following perl module
might help you to write the equivelant in php:

> Thanks
> Dan

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Does anyone know of a script that can create an ACH origination file

How do you want to input amounts, routing numbers, and account numbers?
Have you checked out the NACHA file specifications?
Do you need to perform file encryption before you transmit? How will you
transmit (FTP, SFTP, web service)? This is a simple question with many

Essentially the ACH file is a text file that is reasonably easy to
create with PHP and you can use either a database or file I/O or XML to
input amounts, routing, etc. 

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Dan Shirah wrote:
> I have a search page that displays all active records in my application,
> but
> for some reason, I can not get it to display based on a specific input.
> For instance, I have records with id's 2, 3, 4, 5 etc...  In my search
> form,
> the default view shows all records, and my form variable lets you put in
> different search criteria.  If I do a search by id and put in "2" as the
> search condition, my results keep coming back blank.  It does not matter
> which parameter or value I put in, it still returns blank.
> Any ideas?

you don't bother to read your own code thoroughly? see below:

> <?php
> $connection = mssql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die ('server connection
> failed');
>  $database = mssql_select_db("$database", $connection) or die ('DB
> selection failed');
>  // Query the table and load all of the records into an array.
>  $query = "SELECT
>     child_support_payment_request.credit_card_id,
>   credit_card_payment_request.credit_card_id,
>   credit_card_payment_request.date_request_received
>    FROM child_support_payment_request,
>         credit_card_payment_request
>      WHERE child_support_payment_request.credit_card_id =
> credit_card_payment_request.credit_card_id";
> if ($request_id !== '') {
>    $query.=" AND credit_card_payment_request.credit_card_id =
> $request_id2";

$request_id AND $request_id2 ??

>    }
> if ($dateTime !== '') {
>   $query.=" AND credit_card_payment_request.date_request_received =
> $dateTime2";

$dateTime AND $dateTime2 ??


ecified in a seperate
> chunk of
> php code, but are still included on the same page as the code below.  Am I
> right in assuming that any variable set on the same page can be carried
> into
> different php blocks on the same page?
> Example:
> <?php
> $id = $_POST['request_id']
> ?>
> <?php
> echo "<table>";
> echo "<td>"'
> echo $id;
> echo "</td>";
> echo "</table>";
> ?>
> That would be valid, correct?



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William Stokes wrote:
> Hello,
> I need some advice on how to learn Javascript and PHP interaction. Any good 
> tutorials on the web would be most welcome. I particulary need to learn how 
> to pass JS user input/choices to PHP.
> My current problem is how to ask user confirmation over his actions on a web 
> form after POST. "Are you sure" type questions and how to pass the user 
> choice back to program make choices with PHP.

            ^^-- note the name! is a veritable goldmine of
funky info, lots of php magic to be had there.

> Thanks
> -Will

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How to creat the effect of the explorers back and forward buttons in php?

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How to creat the effect of the explorers back and forward buttons in

Since PHP is server side you would have to use Javascript to do this.

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koen wrote:
How to creat the effect of the explorers back and forward buttons in php?

It's a javascript issue, using the javascript history object.


Myron Turner

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Hey - --  -

Here I am again. Anybody still working on a Friday?

I would like to have a class instance be the property of another class, like can be done in other languages. For example: I would like to have a "Connections" class which contains all of the database connection logic and query results. There are advantages to having this type of utility class be local to a data or business class. (I know that I could have a generic "include" with functions outside of the class hierarchy.)

So, in the __construct method of a business or data class, for example, one could:

$this->connection_class = new connection_class;

This syntax fails, so I know this isn't right, but I hope you get the idea.
This fails simply because you've omitted the parentheses on the constructor. It should be:

$this->connection_class = new connection_class();

Of course, you may want/need to pass some arguments here too.

As mentioned by others though, for the scenario you describe above, you would probably be better extending a base class.


Can it be done?

TIA, again


--PHP General Mailing List (
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Edward Kay wrote:
>> Hey - --  -
>> Here I am again. Anybody still working on a Friday?
>> I would like to have a class instance be the property of another
>> class, like can be done in other languages. For example: I would like
>> to have a "Connections" class which contains all of the database
>> connection logic and query results. There are advantages to having
>> this type of utility class be local to a data or business class. (I
>> know that I could have a generic "include" with functions outside of
>> the class hierarchy.)
>> So, in the __construct method of a business or data class, for
>> example, one could:
>> include_once("connection_classes.kbk");
>> $this->connection_class = new connection_class;
>> This syntax fails, so I know this isn't right, but I hope you get the
>> idea.
> This fails simply because you've omitted the parentheses on the
> constructor. It should be:
> $this->connection_class = new connection_class();

WRONG - the parentheses are optional - my example in a a previous reply
to this thread proves this (if you care to test it).

> Of course, you may want/need to pass some arguments here too.
> As mentioned by others though, for the scenario you describe above, you
> would probably be better extending a base class.

I see no real justification for class extension at this stage, it *may* be the 
way to tackle this situation BUT there may be good reasons that the class in 
lives in it's own seperate class heirarchy.

object aggregation is just as valid as class extending in principle.

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--- Begin Message --- Thanks for your help, guys. I had to leave my office last evening before I had a chance to try any of them.

I am sneaking in some office time today. I'll let you know (with complete scripts and error messages).


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I'm having a sporadic connection problem with MSSQL. I have a php script which 
is called by a folder scanning application and sometimes it can run for hours 
without problem but other times it will run for just a few minutes and return 
connection errors. I tried using mssql_get_last_message but it always seems to 
return an empty string.

I'd like to find out why the connection is failing but in the absense of error 
info from MSSQL, it's a bit problematic. Is there a creative way to actually 
get error strings back from MSSQL in light of the fact that 
mssql_get_last_message basically does squat?

As a last ditch effort, I could run the connect line in a loop a set number of 
times until it succeeds but I would prefer to know why it fails.

Can anyone offer suggestions?



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