php-general Digest 16 Feb 2008 23:40:05 -0000 Issue 5297

Topics (messages 269405 through 269420):

Re: Gzipped output
        269405 by: Per Jessen
        269417 by: Michael McGlothlin

Fwrite Function
        269406 by: Yuval Schwartz
        269408 by: Bastien Koert

Re: check if website has www. in front of domain
        269407 by: Christoph

Re: XSLTProcessor without validation
        269409 by: Siegfried Gipp
        269410 by: Siegfried Gipp
        269411 by: Siegfried Gipp

Re: www. not working
        269412 by: Nathan Rixham
        269414 by: Shawn McKenzie

Re: Uploading PDF
        269413 by: Martin Marques

Session destruction problem
        269415 by: Adil Drissi

Protected ZIP file with password
        269416 by: Petrus Bastos

PHP/mySQL dropping zeros after inserting number into record
        269418 by: Rob Gould
        269419 by: Bastien Koert
        269420 by: Emilio Astarita


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--- Begin Message ---
Eric Butera wrote:

> Let us look at XSS now.  Looks
> like there are quite a few of those too.  If Google/Yahoo can't stop
> this stuff how are us mere mortals supposed to?

In my experience, the bigger the organisation, the more mere mortals. 
Also, a small team has a much better of chance of getting things right
than a big team.

/Per Jessen, Zürich

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Let us look at XSS now.  Looks
like there are quite a few of those too.  If Google/Yahoo can't stop
this stuff how are us mere mortals supposed to?
In my experience, the bigger the organisation, the more mere mortals. Also, a small team has a much better of chance of getting things right
than a big team
What needs to happen, IMO, is for the browser manufacturers to create a way for users and website programmers to disable scripting in the web page body on a per site or per page basis. Why not be able to supply a meta tag that will only let scripting be attached in the head portion of the page and only from a file. Perfect use for Javascript behaviors to attach code to what's in the page body.

That'd stop a lot of XSS issues and it'd force developers to write better code.

Michael McGlothlin
Southwest Plumbing Supply

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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Can you please help me, I am writing code where I create a file and write to
it from a form on a webpage and then read and display this file on the
I want to change the color of the text that is written to the file.
Do you know how I can do this?

This is some of my code if you need clarification:
* $boardFile = "MessageBoard.txt";
$boardFileHandle = fopen($boardFile,'a') or die("can't open file");
fwrite($boardFileHandle, $name);
fwrite($boardFileHandle, $talk);
$boardFile = "MessageBoard.txt";
$boardFileHandle = fopen($boardFile,"r");
$talkR = fread($boardFileHandle, filesize($boardFile));
echo $talkR;*

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Its a text file and so doesn't support markup. You could write out html into 
the file that does mark it up and could be displayed to the user via the 
browser...or you could use regex or str_replace to mark up certain text on the 
read of the file to display to the user


> Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 14:03:26 +0200
> Subject: [PHP] Fwrite Function
> Hello,
> Can you please help me, I am writing code where I create a file and write to
> it from a form on a webpage and then read and display this file on the
> webpage.
> I want to change the color of the text that is written to the file.
> Do you know how I can do this?
> This is some of my code if you need clarification:
> * $boardFile = "MessageBoard.txt";
> $boardFileHandle = fopen($boardFile,'a') or die("can't open file");
> fwrite($boardFileHandle, $name);
> fwrite($boardFileHandle, $talk);
> fclose($boardFileHandle);
> }
> $boardFile = "MessageBoard.txt";
> $boardFileHandle = fopen($boardFile,"r");
> $talkR = fread($boardFileHandle, filesize($boardFile));
> fclose($boardFileHandle);
> echo $talkR;*
> **
> **
> Thanks


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    // Check if site is preceeded by 'WWW'
    public function checkWWW() {
        $myDomain = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
        $FindWWW = 'wwww.';
        $POS = strpos($myDomain, $FindWWW);
        if ($POS === false) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;
any idea why this is not working? just trying to test if the site is and not
Try this:

Or just change this:

$FindWWW = 'wwww.';

to this:

$FindWWW = 'www.';

Looks like a simple typo. That having been said, however, I think that Richard's solution is more elegant.

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Am Freitag, 15. Februar 2008 10:13:15 schrieb Peter Ford:

> What if you don't have a DTD in the XML to validate it with?
> I haven't tested it but it was something that worked in the Java XML
> processing stuff. No DTD, no validation: simple!
> So have you tried stripping the DOCTYPE declaration before XSLTing the XML?

Interesting idea. No, i have not tried it. Problem: At least one of the files 
to be parsed is xhtml. And the result is, besides others, xhtml and html.

Ah, BTW: Parsing the rss file is very fast. So indeed this might help. But 
unfortunately i need the DOCTYPE in the (x)html files, at least in the 
resulting files.

But indeed interesting idea. I'll think about it.

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Am Freitag, 15. Februar 2008 15:35:02 schrieb Andrew Ballard:

> It's there for me as well. (Firefox and IE6, Windows XP). Any chance you've
> got a browser plugin or other "feature" that is blocking the image?

I thought it was privoxy, but i tried without proxy and had the same result. I 
copied the url out of the source code and tried to load it directly and got 

Firefox, Kubuntu Linux. No idea.


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Am Freitag, 15. Februar 2008 15:35:02 schrieb Andrew Ballard:

> It's there for me as well. (Firefox and IE6, Windows XP). Any chance you've
> got a browser plugin or other "feature" that is blocking the image?
I just tried it with Firefox in safe mode, same result: No captcha.

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Shawn McKenzie wrote:
Shawn McKenzie wrote:
Shawn McKenzie wrote:
Jim Lucas wrote:
nihilism machine wrote:
this still does not work, if a domain has no preceeding www. it
redirects to, if it has a www. it goes to, any ideas?

If you are running Apache, you do realize that all of this can be done
in Apache instead of PHP right?

Here is an example of what I have on my domain.

<VirtualHost x.x.x.x:80>
        RedirectMatch (.*)$1

Jim Lucas
Or in DNS zone file (assuming you have an A record for                 IN CNAME

Many ways to skin a cat, and they are all fun!

Nevermind.  I guess this would already be in place or the conf,
.htaccess or PHP wouldn't even be running.  :-(

I thought about starting a new thread for every different idea that I
had in reply to this post.  What do y'all think?


worth noting somewhere on the net, not quite sure if here is the best place for it to be honest.
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Nathan Rixham wrote:
> Shawn McKenzie wrote:
>> Shawn McKenzie wrote:
>>> Shawn McKenzie wrote:
>>>> Jim Lucas wrote:
>>>>> nihilism machine wrote:
>>>>>> this still does not work, if a domain has no preceeding www. it
>>>>>> redirects to, if it has a www. it goes to
>>>>>>, any ideas?
>>>>> If you are running Apache, you do realize that all of this can be done
>>>>> in Apache instead of PHP right?
>>>>> Here is an example of what I have on my domain.
>>>>> <VirtualHost x.x.x.x:80>
>>>>>         ServerName
>>>>>         ServerAlias
>>>>>         ServerAlias
>>>>>         RedirectMatch (.*)$1
>>>>> </VirtualHost>
>>>>> Jim Lucas
>>>> Or in DNS zone file (assuming you have an A record for
>>>>                 IN CNAME
>>>> Many ways to skin a cat, and they are all fun!
>>>> -Shawn
>>> Nevermind.  I guess this would already be in place or the conf,
>>> .htaccess or PHP wouldn't even be running.  :-(
>> I thought about starting a new thread for every different idea that I
>> had in reply to this post.  What do y'all think?
>> -Shawn
> worth noting somewhere on the net, not quite sure if here is the best
> place for it to be honest.

Here is where I saw it.  Maybe you missed it?


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Pastor Steve escribió:

I am getting an error when I am trying to upload a PDF file through a

When I do a print_r($_FILES) I get the following:

    [userfile] => Array
            [name] => document.pdf
            [type] =>
            [tmp_name] =>
            [error] => 2

Error 2:

You exceeded the MAX_FILE_SIZE size.

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Hi everybody,

I need help with sessions.
I have a simple authentification relying only on
sessions (i don't use cookies). After the user submits
his username and password, the script checks if that
corresponds to a record in a mysql table. If this is
the case "$_SESSION['sessioname'] = $_POST['login'];".
the $_SESSION['sessioname'] is checked in subsequent
pages to see if the user is connected or not.
The problem is after the user logs out, and after that
uses the previous button of the browser he becomes
connected. How can i prevent this please.

Here is my logout.php:

header("location: index.php");

Thank you for advance

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Hey folks,

    Do you know how can I create a protected zip file with password? Is
there anyway? I've search on the internet, but without success.

Thank's in advance,
Petrus Bastos.

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I've got a PHP script that inserts "00012345678" into a record in a mySQL 
database (it's a barcode).  Things work ok unless the number has preceding 
zeros, and then the zeros get cut off and all I get is "12345678".

I have the mySQL database fieldtype set to bigint(14).  If the maximum length a 
barcode can be is 14, is there a better fieldtype to use that will keep the 

(or some way for PHP to tell mySQL not to chop off the zeros?)

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char(14) is a better data type


> Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 15:22:17 -0800
> Subject: [PHP] PHP/mySQL dropping zeros after inserting number into record
> I've got a PHP script that inserts "00012345678" into a record in a mySQL 
> database (it's a barcode).  Things work ok unless the number has preceding 
> zeros, and then the zeros get cut off and all I get is "12345678".
> I have the mySQL database fieldtype set to bigint(14).  If the maximum length 
> a barcode can be is 14, is there a better fieldtype to use that will keep the 
> zeros?
> (or some way for PHP to tell mySQL not to chop off the zeros?)
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, visit:


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Rob Gould <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I've got a PHP script that inserts "00012345678" into a record in a
> mySQL database (it's a barcode).  Things work ok unless the number has
> preceding zeros, and then the zeros get cut off and all I get is
> "12345678".
> I have the mySQL database fieldtype set to bigint(14).  If the maximum
> length a barcode can be is 14, is there a better fieldtype to use that
> will keep the zeros?

Use ZEROFILL, example:

CREATE TABLE `db`.`table` (
  `barcode` integer(14) ZEROFILL NOT NULL


Emilio Astarita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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