php-general Digest 17 May 2006 16:29:30 -0000 Issue 4133

Topics (messages 236319 through 236353):

Re: 404 After Setting session.save_path to /tmp
        236319 by: Chris
        236320 by: Chris
        236323 by: Mark Sargent
        236324 by: Chris
        236325 by: Mark Sargent
        236327 by: Chris
        236328 by: Mark Sargent
        236342 by: Ron Clark

Narorwed down my problem to one statement:
        236321 by: John Meyer
        236326 by: Paul Novitski

PHPEditIni now supports Linux/Unix
        236322 by: Jeremy C O'Connor

A searching problem in lists
        236329 by:
        236331 by: Barry

Re : a searching problem in lists
        236330 by:
        236339 by: Jim Moseby

Converting characters
        236332 by: Jonas Rosling
        236333 by: Barry

Re: PHP daemons
        236334 by: Martin Marques

PHP and mySQL getting smashed...
        236335 by: Russell Jones
        236336 by: Dave Goodchild
        236337 by: Angelo Zanetti
        236338 by: Jay Blanchard
        236340 by: Alister Bulman
        236347 by: Jochem Maas

Re: Regex Help for URL's  [ANSWER]
        236341 by: Edward Vermillion

Re: Security Concerns with Uploaded Images:
        236343 by: Rory Browne
        236344 by: George Pitcher
        236353 by: Jason Wong

Ajax (xmlHttpRequest) and session_start() problem.
        236345 by: Mathijs
        236346 by: Robert Cummings
        236348 by: Mathijs
        236349 by: Thomas Munz

Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted ?
        236350 by: tedd
        236351 by: Jochem Maas
        236352 by: John Nichel


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--- Begin Message ---
Mark Sargent wrote:
Jochem Maas wrote:

NO - DONT EVER DO THIS!!!! tmp/session files should not be stored in a directory that
can be [potentially] read via http.

.htaccess directives can be used to block access to the dir BUT I still would recommend
keeping 'tmp' outside of the web root.

just make sure 'tmp' is writable by the user the webserver is running as.

Hi All,

thanx. How do I determine what user httpd is running as? Cheers.

Edit your httpd.conf file and look for "user" and "group".

Postgresql & php tutorials

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Mark Sargent wrote:
Jochem Maas wrote:

NO - DONT EVER DO THIS!!!! tmp/session files should not be stored in a directory that
can be [potentially] read via http.

.htaccess directives can be used to block access to the dir BUT I still would recommend
keeping 'tmp' outside of the web root.

just make sure 'tmp' is writable by the user the webserver is running as.

Hi All,

thanx. How do I determine what user httpd is running as? Cheers.

I should say check your httpd.conf file for "User" and "Group" - they are capitalized.


ps aux | grep httpd
ps aux | grep apache

the first column is the user it's running as.

or lastly, probably the quickest way, create a phpinfo page and look for


Postgresql & php tutorials

--- End Message ---
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Chris wrote:
I should say check your httpd.conf file for "User" and "Group" - they are capitalized.


ps aux | grep httpd
yes, did that one and see it as starting as root, then goijg to daemon. Now, if I add daemon to the root group, isn't that a security issue? Should I create a new group? Little confused? Cheers.

Mark Sargent.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Mark Sargent wrote:
Chris wrote:

I should say check your httpd.conf file for "User" and "Group" - they are capitalized.


ps aux | grep httpd

yes, did that one and see it as starting as root, then goijg to daemon. Now, if I add daemon to the root group, isn't that a security issue? Should I create a new group? Little confused? Cheers.

Big security issue - don't do it.

>ps au | grep apache
root      .... /usr/sbin/apache
htdocs    .... /usr/sbin/apache
htdocs    .... /usr/sbin/apache

My apache is running as "htdocs". So as root create a temp folder and chown it to "htdocs":

mkdir /my_temp_dir
chown htdocs. /my_temp_dir


Postgresql & php tutorials

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Chris wrote:
Big security issue - don't do it.

>ps au | grep apache
root      .... /usr/sbin/apache
htdocs    .... /usr/sbin/apache
htdocs    .... /usr/sbin/apache

My apache is running as "htdocs". So as root create a temp folder and chown it to "htdocs":

mkdir /my_temp_dir
chown htdocs. /my_temp_dir
Hi All,

ok, created dir, added htdocs user/group and changed ownership of dir to them. Thing I'm gettin is, every time I make an adjustment to either php.ini or httpd.conf, and do a restart, I keep getting a 404 error for all pages. Which only corrects when doing a reboot of the box. This was happening before I just followed your last steps. Thoughts? Cheers.

Mark Sargent.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Mark Sargent wrote:
Chris wrote:

Big security issue - don't do it.

>ps au | grep apache
root      .... /usr/sbin/apache
htdocs    .... /usr/sbin/apache
htdocs    .... /usr/sbin/apache

My apache is running as "htdocs". So as root create a temp folder and chown it to "htdocs":

mkdir /my_temp_dir
chown htdocs. /my_temp_dir

Hi All,

ok, created dir, added htdocs user/group and changed ownership of dir to them. Thing I'm gettin is, every time I make an adjustment to either php.ini or httpd.conf, and do a restart, I keep getting a 404 error for all pages. Which only corrects when doing a reboot of the box. This was happening before I just followed your last steps. Thoughts? Cheers.

Sounds like you're using the wrong script to restart apache.

What command are you using?

Rebooting will most likely pick up the /etc/init.d/apache or /etc/init.d/httpd script.

Postgresql & php tutorials

--- End Message ---
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Chris wrote:
Sounds like you're using the wrong script to restart apache.

What command are you using?
service httpd restart

Rebooting will most likely pick up the /etc/init.d/apache or /etc/init.d/httpd script.
Have this in /etc/rc.local on Fedora 5,

if [ -f "$startApache" ] ; then
        $startApache start

and I see that I have left off start at the end of startApache.


Mark Sargent.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Mark Sargent wrote:
Chris wrote:

Big security issue - don't do it.

>ps au | grep apache
root      .... /usr/sbin/apache
htdocs    .... /usr/sbin/apache
htdocs    .... /usr/sbin/apache

My apache is running as "htdocs". So as root create a temp folder and chown it to "htdocs":

mkdir /my_temp_dir
chown htdocs. /my_temp_dir

Hi All,

ok, created dir, added htdocs user/group and changed ownership of dir to them. Thing I'm gettin is, every time I make an adjustment to either php.ini or httpd.conf, and do a restart, I keep getting a 404 error for all pages. Which only corrects when doing a reboot of the box. This was happening before I just followed your last steps. Thoughts? Cheers.

Mark Sargent.

I thought you said in earlier email that your apache was running as user daemon. The tmp directory has to be owned by the user running apache. If you want to run apache as user apache group apache then you will have to edit httpd.conf and change the User and Group directives. Otherwise chown chgrp the tmp directory to the user/group that is listed in the httpd.conf file.
Ron Clark
System Administrator
Armstrong Atlantic State University
11935 Abercorn Street
Savannah, Ga 31419
Phone: 912 961 3234
Fax: 912 927 5353

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$sql = "INSERT INTO BOOKS(CopyrightYear,CoverType,DatePurchased,EditionNumber,ISBNNumber,Notes,Pages,Publisher,LOCNumber) VALUES(\"" . $_POST["copyrightyear"] . "\",\"" . $_POST["covertype"] . "\",\"" . $_POST["datepurchased"] . "\"," . $_POST["editionnumber"] . ",\"" . $_POST["isbn"] . "\",\"" . addslashes($_POST["notes"]) . "\"," . (isset($_POST["numberofpages"])?$_POST["numberofpages"]:0) . ",\"" . $_POST["publisher"] . "\",\"" . $_POST["locnumber"] . "\")";

Okay, when $_POST["notes"] contains quotes, it seems to break the series, ie returns an error at that point of the SQL statement, even with addslashes(), am I doing something wrong there?
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
At 09:38 PM 5/16/2006, John Meyer wrote:

$sql = "INSERT INTO BOOKS(CopyrightYear,CoverType,DatePurchased,EditionNumber,ISBNNumber,Notes,Pages,Publisher,LOCNumber) VALUES(\"" . $_POST["copyrightyear"] . "\",\"" . $_POST["covertype"] . "\",\"" . $_POST["datepurchased"] . "\"," . $_POST["editionnumber"] . ",\"" . $_POST["isbn"] . "\",\"" . addslashes($_POST["notes"]) . "\"," . (isset($_POST["numberofpages"])?$_POST["numberofpages"]:0) . ",\"" . $_POST["publisher"] . "\",\"" . $_POST["locnumber"] . "\")";

Okay, when $_POST["notes"] contains quotes, it seems to break the series, ie returns an error at that point of the SQL statement, even with addslashes(), am I doing something wrong there?


I wasn't able to get your statement to break regardless of the content of $_POST["notes"], so I'm inclined to think the problem doesn't lie with embedded quotes alone. Try displaying the value of $sql when it fails in MySQL. Without that evidence, your problem seems impossible to solve.

I'm suspicious of this conditional expression:


If $_POST["numberofpages"] is set but contains non-numeric content, the query will fail.

Here are two other points tangential to your question:

By feeding user input directly into an SQL query, you're creating an unnecessary vulnerability in your code. See "SQL Injection" at

I find the concatenation with escaped quotes messy and difficult to proofread and modify. My example below is somewhat exaggerated for effect, but consider using heredoc syntax for ease of reading and a couple of custom functions to make strings & numbers SQL-safe:

$copyrightyear = prepString($_POST["copyrightyear"]);
$covertype     = prepString($_POST["covertype"]);
$datepurchased = prepString($_POST["datepurchased"]);
$editionnumber = prepNumber($_POST["editionnumber"]);
$notes         = prepString($_POST["notes"]);
$numberofpages = prepNumber($_POST["numberofpages"]);
$publisher     = prepString($_POST["publisher"]);
$locnumber     = prepString($_POST["locnumber"]);

$sql = <<< heredocSQL
        ) VALUES (

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
The PHPEditIni PHP script now supports Linux/Unix. Use this script to edit
your PHP.INI files in a browser based GUI. Visit .

The PHP EditIni Project

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I'm not a Perl guru so I (still) have problems :-)
I use the following date structure, quite "classic" : a list of lists. I have
two instances of this structure, let's take a simple example :

list 1 : [ [toto,tata],[toto,titi] ]
list 2 : [ [toto,tutu],[tata,titi],[toto,titi] ]

My question is :
is there an efficient way to make this kind of research :

I want to know if [toto,titi] from list 1 is present in list 2.

Thanks for help.

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I'm not a Perl guru so I (still) have problems :-)
And this is not a Perl mailinglist so we have the same problem :)

Smileys rule (cX.x)C --o(^_^o)
Dance for me! ^(^_^)o (o^_^)o o(^_^)^ o(^_^o)

--- End Message ---
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Oops, sorry for my last mail. Not the good mailing-list :-)

--- End Message ---
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> Oops, sorry for my last mail. Not the good mailing-list :-)

Au contraire.  This *IS* the good mailing list.  Just not the *right* one.


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the PHP newbie is here again asking questions.
Is there anyway in PHP to convert none international characters so the are
displayed correct?
In my case I have lots of data in the database with å,ä and ö.

Thanks // Jonas

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Jonas Rosling schrieb:
the PHP newbie is here again asking questions.
Is there anyway in PHP to convert none international characters so the are
displayed correct?
In my case I have lots of data in the database with å,ä and ö.

Thanks // Jonas
displayed where?
in html with htmlentities.
otherwise you should use a utf-8 encoding

Smileys rule (cX.x)C --o(^_^o)
Dance for me! ^(^_^)o (o^_^)o o(^_^)^ o(^_^o)

--- End Message ---
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On Tue, 16 May 2006, Richard Lynch wrote:

On Tue, May 16, 2006 6:27 am, Martin Marques wrote:
In the first daemon all I have to do to kill it is execute a
pkill server_name.

But with the new daemon (the object orientaded one) it doesn't die.

After you pkill it, does it still work?

Yes, I can still connect to the socket and send commands to it.

Or is it a zombie?

bugs:~# ps auxw | grep php
root 29327 0.0 0.5 16992 2288 ? S May15 0:00 /usr/bin/php -q /usr/local/php/printSocket/printSocket.php root 4066 0.0 1.3 17424 5352 ? S May16 0:00 /usr/bin/php -q /usr/local/php/offline/offlineSocket.php
bugs:~# pkill printSocket.php
bugs:~# ps auxw | grep php
root 4066 0.0 1.3 17424 5352 ? S May16 0:00 /usr/bin/php -q /usr/local/php/offline/offlineSocket.php
bugs:~# pkill offlineSocket.php
bugs:~# ps auxw | grep php
root 4066 0.0 1.3 17424 5352 ? S May16 0:00 /usr/bin/php -q /usr/local/php/offline/offlineSocket.php

It's possible PHP's shutdown functions trying to close the sockets and
destroy the instances have a bug...

You could try to pastebin the code somewhere.

The code from the socket that accepts the kill is at:

The code of the socket that doesn't get killed is here:

 21:50:04 up 2 days,  9:07,  0 users,  load average: 0.92, 0.37, 0.18
Lic. Martín Marqués | SELECT 'mmarques' || Centro de Telemática | '@' || '';
Universidad Nacional        |   DBA, Programador,
    del Litoral             |   Administrador

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I have a site that is getting 30K+ traffic daily and it is smashing mySQL -
any ideas on what to do to make the mysql connections more efficient, or
anything in general. No bandwidth issue here, just the server getting


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I have a site that is getting 30K+ traffic daily and it is smashing mySQL -
any ideas on what to do to make the mysql connections more efficient, or
anything in general. No bandwidth issue here, just the server getting

...I may be wrong but using persistent connections (mysql_pconnect) may
help. Also, optimise your tables and use the explain command to see how
efficient your queries are.

dynamic web programming from Reigate, Surrey UK (php, mysql, xhtml, css)

look out for project karma, our new venture, coming soon!

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perhaps post some code so we can look at how you doing your queries...

Angelo Zanetti
Z Logic
[c] +27 72 441 3355
[t] +27 21 469 1052
[f] +27 86 681 5885

Dave Goodchild wrote:
I have a site that is getting 30K+ traffic daily and it is smashing mySQL -

any ideas on what to do to make the mysql connections more efficient, or
anything in general. No bandwidth issue here, just the server getting

...I may be wrong but using persistent connections (mysql_pconnect) may

help. Also, optimise your tables and use the explain command to see how
efficient your queries are.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I have a site that is getting 30K+ traffic daily and it is smashing
mySQL -
any ideas on what to do to make the mysql connections more efficient, or
anything in general. No bandwidth issue here, just the server getting

Without seeing any code or table information my bet would be that none
of your tables are indexed properly. 

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
On 17/05/06, Dave Goodchild <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have a site that is getting 30K+ traffic daily and it is smashing mySQL -
> any ideas on what to do to make the mysql connections more efficient, or
> anything in general. No bandwidth issue here, just the server getting
> killed.
> ...I may be wrong but using persistent connections (mysql_pconnect) may
help. Also, optimise your tables and use the explain command to see how
efficient your queries are.

And caching things that don't need to looked up form the database
right now.  Even the fastest server in the world would wilt under a
slashdotting, if it had to do a dozen big queries for every page
display.  Meanwhile a Pentium3 with a decent network can serve
hundreds of requests a second of a few static pages.


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Jay Blanchard wrote:
I have a site that is getting 30K+ traffic daily and it is smashing
mySQL -
any ideas on what to do to make the mysql connections more efficient, or
anything in general. No bandwidth issue here, just the server getting

Without seeing any code or table information my bet would be that none
of your tables are indexed properly.

and/or that the OP is using some killing JOINS in his queries - these
often have a detremental effect regardless of indexes.

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On May 16, 2006, at 7:53 PM, Chrome wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Samuel White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 17 May 2006 01:42
Subject: RE: [PHP] Regex Help for URL's [ANSWER]

That's what I was doing.  I was parsing A:HREF, IMG:SRC, etc.

But when I implemented a new feature on my network, where you could click
a row and have it take you to another domain, I need a better solution.

Go to and it might make more sense.

All the links on the left have an ONCLICK=location.href = '' attribute in
the TR tag.

This solution allowed me to make sure those links included the session
information, just like the A:HREF links do.

It also had the advantage of updating the links in my CSS.

Ooooo that breaks accessibility standards! Compliment the 'onclick's with
onkeydown at least :)

But still you get a solid onclick=... scenario

If these are visible in the source then they are fairly easy to pick out

Though you may need more than 1 regex ;)

My complaint here is, don't break accessibility :)

And don't forget the folks who have javascript turned off or are using text based browsers too.


--- End Message ---
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On 5/16/06, Richard Lynch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, May 15, 2006 1:58 am, Jason Wong wrote:
> 2) the uploaded file is a "script" (perl/php/python/etc)

> In the case of (2), if the script relies on its shebang line to
> execute

Not necessarily -- What if I upload an "image" file named
"badscript.php" and then I surf to it, after it's in your /images

When using the php apache module, from a OS permissions, the Server reads as
opposed to executes php code. .php files don't generally need to be
executable IIRC.

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--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
> On Mon, May 15, 2006 1:58 am, Jason Wong wrote:
> > 2) the uploaded file is a "script" (perl/php/python/etc)
> > In the case of (2), if the script relies on its shebang line to
> > execute
> Not necessarily -- What if I upload an "image" file named
> "badscript.php" and then I surf to it, after it's in your /images
> directory?

On my sites, I know aht file extensions that I will allow, so block (by
script) anything that doesn't match - in my case, that's '.tif' and '.pdf'.


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
On Tuesday 16 May 2006 07:45, Richard Lynch wrote:
> On Mon, May 15, 2006 1:58 am, Jason Wong wrote:
> > 2) the uploaded file is a "script" (perl/php/python/etc)
> >
> > In the case of (2), if the script relies on its shebang line to
> > execute
> Not necessarily -- What if I upload an "image" file named
> "badscript.php" and then I surf to it, after it's in your /images
> directory?

I was assuming that any developer who allowed image files to be named 
*.php would be hung, drawn & quartered and shot a few times for good 
measure :)

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
* Web Design & Hosting * Internet & Intranet Applications Development *
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I Have an very strange problem.

When i execute an very simple Ajax request to an PHP script wich just print one line and i put an sleep(20) infront of it, it works perfectly when i refresh the page.

When i put session_start() at the top, i can't refresh the page anymore.
It won't refresh untill the server responed.

When i remove the session_start(), i can refresh anytime i want.

Is this a know problem?
Does someone knows an solution?

Thx for the help.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
On Wed, 2006-05-17 at 10:11, Mathijs wrote:
> I Have an very strange problem.
> When i execute an very simple Ajax request to an PHP script wich just 
> print one line and i put an sleep(20) infront of it, it works perfectly 
> when i refresh the page.
> BUT..
> When i put session_start() at the top, i can't refresh the page anymore.
> It won't refresh untill the server responed.
> When i remove the session_start(), i can refresh anytime i want.
> Is this a know problem?
> Does someone knows an solution?

PHP sessions use locking to avoid race conditions. So you sleep for 20
seconds keeps the lock for just as long, this has the effect of blocking
all other scripts for the same session. To avoid this, grab the session
data you need, and close the session as fast as possible. Additionally,
it's probably a very bad idea to keep the web server waiting for 20
seconds for no good reason. Why not have your javascript do the waiting?

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--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Robert Cummings wrote:
On Wed, 2006-05-17 at 10:11, Mathijs wrote:
I Have an very strange problem.

When i execute an very simple Ajax request to an PHP script wich just print one line and i put an sleep(20) infront of it, it works perfectly when i refresh the page.

When i put session_start() at the top, i can't refresh the page anymore.
It won't refresh untill the server responed.

When i remove the session_start(), i can refresh anytime i want.

Is this a know problem?
Does someone knows an solution?

PHP sessions use locking to avoid race conditions. So you sleep for 20
seconds keeps the lock for just as long, this has the effect of blocking
all other scripts for the same session. To avoid this, grab the session
data you need, and close the session as fast as possible. Additionally,
it's probably a very bad idea to keep the web server waiting for 20
seconds for no good reason. Why not have your javascript do the waiting?


This whas just an test example i talked about.
irl, i have an script that does an search on the server for texts in files.

This search goes through an ajax request.
The page that is requested uses $_SESSION.
Therefore i need session_start().

This search can take a while, and if i want to refresh the page, because i want to have an other search or whatever, i just can't. This because, for some reason, when session_start() gets called, it locks the refreshing capeabileties of the browser.

Also, you say to close the session, mabye a stupid question, but how????

If you need more info, just ask :)..

Thx for the quick reply :).

Kind Regards,

--- End Message ---
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$asdf = $_SESSION; //-- get all datas
session_write_close(); //-- close session

on Wednesday 17 May 2006 16:36, Mathijs wrote:
> Robert Cummings wrote:
> > On Wed, 2006-05-17 at 10:11, Mathijs wrote:
> >> I Have an very strange problem.
> >>
> >> When i execute an very simple Ajax request to an PHP script wich just
> >> print one line and i put an sleep(20) infront of it, it works perfectly
> >> when i refresh the page.
> >>
> >> BUT..
> >> When i put session_start() at the top, i can't refresh the page anymore.
> >> It won't refresh untill the server responed.
> >>
> >> When i remove the session_start(), i can refresh anytime i want.
> >>
> >> Is this a know problem?
> >> Does someone knows an solution?
> >
> > PHP sessions use locking to avoid race conditions. So you sleep for 20
> > seconds keeps the lock for just as long, this has the effect of blocking
> > all other scripts for the same session. To avoid this, grab the session
> > data you need, and close the session as fast as possible. Additionally,
> > it's probably a very bad idea to keep the web server waiting for 20
> > seconds for no good reason. Why not have your javascript do the waiting?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Rob.
> This whas just an test example i talked about.
> irl, i have an script that does an search on the server for texts in files.
> This search goes through an ajax request.
> The page that is requested uses $_SESSION.
> Therefore i need session_start().
> This search can take a while, and if i want to refresh the page, because
> i want to have an other search or whatever, i just can't.
> This because, for some reason, when session_start() gets called, it
> locks the refreshing capeabileties of the browser.
> Also, you say to close the session, mabye a stupid question, but how????
> If you need more info, just ask :)..
> Thx for the quick reply :).
> Kind Regards,

--- End Message ---
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Hi (please insert your preference):

This should be simple, but I'm having problems.

I have a program that uploads an image file and then tries to set the permissions for the image (to be altered later). However, I get a "Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted" error when trying to set the permission, what gives? If my program created the file, shouldn't it have permission to set the files permissions?

What am I not understanding?



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tedd wrote:


This should be simple, but I'm having problems.

I have a program that uploads an image file and then tries to set the permissions for the image (to be altered later). However, I get a "Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted" error when trying to set the permission, what gives? If my program created the file, shouldn't it have permission to set the files permissions?

chances are that the file is created as user nobody, your not nobody ;-),
ergo you can't chmod it ... can't remember the last time I didn't have root
access to configure/fuck (you pick) the server the way I wanted it.

I'm sure someone here knows exactly how to sort this issue without editing the

What am I not understanding?



--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
tedd wrote:
Hi (please insert your preference):

This should be simple, but I'm having problems.

I have a program that uploads an image file and then tries to set the permissions for the image (to be altered later). However, I get a "Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted" error when trying to set the permission, what gives? If my program created the file, shouldn't it have permission to set the files permissions?

What am I not understanding?

Without seeing code, permissions of the directories, what sticky bits might or might not be set, etc., you could not be understanding many things....or just one....who knows.

John C. Nichel IV
Programmer/System Admin (ÜberGeek)
Dot Com Holdings of Buffalo

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