----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David C.Z. Wacks"


I have been involved in PHP/MySQL for many years, from custom coding
dynamic sites to leading teams in Web analysis and design, programming
(various languages, Quality Control/Qualit Assurance, IT, and Tech Support
departments for some large corporations. Unfortunately, I became disabled
a fears back (due to my back) and have not been as active as I want. I am
involved in my homeschool son's group, teaching a class when I can,
providing technical help and resources, and helping when able.

I am looking for an app, set of scripts, that can do the following:

1. Utilize PHP 4/5, MySQL 4/5, run under *.nix/Windows, Apache 2.0 (pref).
WAMP or LAMP type system
2. Be security driven thru roles/users
3. Allow creation of gallery: OWN/Create one per login. Upon Validation of
the email or through an admin console.
4. Become a ROLE in another gallery: GUEST, FRIEND, SHARE, SUPER, OWNER,


e.g. if this sounds interesting to you and want to collaborate on a
project, I can fill out the specs form and go from there. However,
honestly I hope this already exists somwhere and somewhat close to the

Any suggestions, comments, and horror stories are appreciated.
Dave Wacks, aka Sardon

Hi Dave,
              I haven't seen any freeware package that conforms to your 

I doubt one exists at a reasonable price due to your extended permission 
specs. I hope someone can correct me on this.

I to am stuck in a similar position. I have a site with nine subdomains that 
are supposed to work into a central forum system. One unique requirement is 
giving me a hard time. That is the ability for guests to post without 
registering. I installed phpBB and attempted to mod it but I am now 
considering a rewrite do to excessive SPAM (more later).

You mentioned php4/5 and *nix and cough cough windoze.

I wouldn't bother with php4 compatibility as it is history now. I work with 
*nix and I am not such a sadist to use windoze on an online server. I do run 
a WAMP on XP for development. I am using the latest version of WAMPSERVER. 
The previous version was a bit of a pain so I used UniServer but I now feel 
the latest version of WAMPSERVER is better.

As for mysql versions, the more recent the version the more extended 
features it has that I will probably never use.

I think you just about spelt out the full sql table structure in you 
original post. There is some tricky querie logic but it is otherwise run of 
the mill sql.

I wonder if you need a literal folder structure or just a virtual system for 
the browser. Creating literal folders can introduce many security and 
permission problems especially on a windoze platform. Most of these problem 
show up en mass when you shift the site to a new server. You could just give 
the files unique names and have them in one folder (preferably outside the 
HTTP tree) and have the sql/frontend simulate a folder structure. This would 
work but don't ever loose your backup or it will all be toast.

If you are going to run the final site on a WAMP server then you can get 
away with putting the images in the sql. This would work ok on a fast PC 
with lots of ram but it is not something that hosting providers would 
appreciate or even allow in many cases.

This sounds like a reasonably sized project so I think it would be best to 
presume that the site is going to end up on another server on the net some 
where. Perhaps to prepare for this in the planing stages.

Back to my current issues.

It looks like I will never get phpBB to be useful for guest posting so I may 
need to write my own BB system.

CAPTCHA can deal quite well with the bots but it doesn't stop the human 
spammers. And there are many promoting pornography MEDS etc.

I have been struggling along with IP ban lists but I am ready give up on 
them altogether.

I need a system where posts that contain links or images are set to need 
approval before being displayed on the site. Perhaps a banned word filter as 
well, to flag them as needing approval.

I could probably mod phpBB for this but the table structure is unsuited to 
my needs anyway. It is really not set up for independent forums that have 
some common elements. It will also always be a magnet for spammers.

My problem is that I have very little experience in mysql. This will be my 
first site that has custom sql. In the past it has been too easy to plug in 
some premade package that is close enough to what I need.

I am relatively new to php as well (about 3 years) I can script well as I 
have extensive experience in other languages but I am not fully ware of 
compatibility issues that arise in different server setups. My server has 
php running as a CGI so my script run with my privileges and this makes 
things easy. I am however aware of many of the issues form past site 
maintenance. Nine out of ten issues arise from folder/file permission's.

So to sum it up, we may be of assistance to each other if you are able to 
fill the gaps in skills.

I am also some what restricted, I am unemployed due to a permanent back 
injury along with some other ailments. I also have two distractions. One 
aged 12 and the other aged 13. Unfortunately there is no other adult 
distraction to keep the child distractions distracted. ie - I am a singe 

I was working from home for a hosting provider but when it got to 12-14 
hours a day, I had to give it in - it was wrecking our family life.

If you are interest then you have one skill that would enable us to work 
together. That is your history as a team leader. I am not good at project 
management. I am more comfortable just following instructions for a series 
of tasks rather than trying to manage the overall picture.

Perhaps some mutual assistance should you decide to go with custom scripts?

Thanks, Rob.

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