
with my veeeery little experteez what i do is 
$password= time();
store this password into db
and mail it out to the member ....
all in the same file :)

what this does is not only a unique password for all my members its
also pretty difficult to apprehend ..... let alone anythin else 

hope this helps 

good luck

toby ......

 --- Uttam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > what command are you using to
change the password?
> *if you are using GRANT then you don't need to use PASSWORD()
> function,
> unless you use IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD clause
> *if you are using INSERT or SET then you need to use PASSWORD()
> function to
> encrypt the password.
> see the actual password stored in database and compare it with
> encrypted
> user password [
> PASSWORD('userpasssword')], both should match.
> hope that helps!
> regds,
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Beach, Jim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 21:16
> Subject: script not allowing login after generating new password
> Hi, I'm new in this list and to PHP and MySQL. I'd welcome any help
> you
> can give.
> I'm working on a simple application where a registered user submits
> a
> "forgot my password" form. The script is supposed to generate a
> random
> new password, write it to the database, and send it to the user.
> Then
> they can log in with the new password and they're off and running.
> Here's what happens now: The password generator works fine - it
> creates
> a random string any length I want. The password field in the
> database
> gets changed - not to the new random string but apparently to an
> encrypted version of it via the MySQL password() function. The
> script
> returns the user a notice of the new password. BUT, login with the
> new
> password fails!
> I'm reluctant to ask you to do my debugging but I'm almost brain
> dead
> after hours of trying to figure this out. Can someone suggest where
> I
> might look for the problem? I'll include my scripts in a reply if
> needed.
> Thanks very much in advance.
> Jim
> -- 
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