
Ive got a problem with the fsockopen function. I want to simulate things
like Browser-Version (user_agent) to another php-Script and read its parsed
ScourceCode. Everything I read about that used fsockopen() as the main
function to access the file. So I tried this:

$fp = fsockopen ("http://www.homepage.de";, 80);

Also with /index.html in the end and with many different URLs.
This way I always get the following two errors:

Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: php_network_getaddresses:
gethostbyname failed in D:\Programme\Apache2\htdocs\eigene\test\read.php on
line 3

Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to
http://www.homepage.de:80 in
D:\Programme\Apache2\htdocs\eigene\test\read.php on line 3
$fp does not exist!

Ive already been told to leave out the http://. But in that case i got:

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in
D:\Programme\Apache2\htdocs\eigene\test\read.php on line 12

Which makes me wondering,  because line 12 is the end of the script and not
the one with the fsockopen function...
My first thought was that I get timeouted, because i dont have any further
issues for the opened coonnection but the whole script is:

$fp = fsockopen ("http://www.homepage.de";, 80);
if(!$fp) {
 echo "\$fp does not exist!";
else {
 fgets($fp, 1024);

Now I do have an fgets-statement to recieve sth from the server. And still
he gets timeouted.

So why does this happen?! And what can I do against it?!
OS is: Win 98SE
PHP: 4.3.0
Apache: 2.0.43

allow_url_fopen in the php.ini is activated...

Thx for help

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