php-windows Digest 27 Aug 2013 20:59:46 -0000 Issue 4146

Topics (messages 31155 through 31158):

Re: WinCache 1.3.5 release on SourceForge
        31155 by: Keith Davis
        31156 by: Jan Ehrhardt
        31157 by: Eric Stenson

Zend OPCache - Error - Unable to create view for file mapping
        31158 by: Keith Davis


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--- Begin Message ---
" Right now the last release is totally unusable"

Am I missing something? We're using Opcache (Zend) on Windows in PHP 5.5.2, 
with good results. What issues are people seeing?

Keith Davis - (214) 906-5183

-----Original Message-----
From: Pierre Joye []
Sent: Friday, August 23, 2013 2:02 AM
To: Eric Stenson
Cc: php-windows; Tomasz Krawczyk
Subject: RE: [PHP-WIN] Re: WinCache 1.3.5 release on SourceForge

On Aug 22, 2013 8:07 PM, "Eric Stenson" <> wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tomasz Krawczyk []
> >
> > You wrote Zend Opcache has to be enabled in PHP 5.5 so, it is an
> > extension, not part of the PHP core, but it is bundled with PHP 5.5.
> [...]
> >
> > Are you sure you will have to remove opcode cache from WinCache in
> > the future?
> Tomasz--
> Our understanding at this point is that Opcache will continue to be
supported (by Zend) and will track all opcode/Zend compiler changes for future 
releases.  We believe the owners of Opcache will provide the highest level of 
opcode caching performance, due to their proximity to the Zend core developers 
(<grin>).  Further, we're trusting them to provide a highly performant opcode 
cache on Windows (using cross-processes shared memory, appropriate Win32 APIs, 

In the long run yes, or maybe. Right now the last release is totally unusable. 
For various reasons, some fixable and other will be hardly fixable without 
changes in the engine

It would be nice if it is possible to have an alternative at least for a year 
or two. Also windows as a whole is not a priority for Zend, for quite some 
time. So ideally we should take care of this to ensure outstanding or at least 
sync performance and stability.


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Pierre Joye in (Fri, 23 Aug 2013 09:01:55 +0200):
>In the long run yes, or maybe. Right now the last release is totally
>unusable. For various reasons, some fixable and other will be hardly
>fixable without changes in the engine.

I know there are some issues:

And OPcache for Windows is not behaving properly, because it uses fixed
memory addresses for the cache (although the X64 version is not using
the hard-coded address).

I would not be surprised if a report like this is caused by the bad
memory allocation of OPcache:

But I would not call it "totally unusable". It is running fine on my
Win2k8 production server (still PHP 5.3) and on my Win2k8 development
server (PHP 5.3 as mod_php alongside PHP 5.5 x64 mod_fcgid).

I am running Apache 2.4.6, Keith is running IIS. What makes you say it
is unusable?


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
From: Pierre Joye [] 
> Right now the last release is totally unusable. For various 
> reasons, some fixable and other will be hardly fixable without
> changes in the engine[.]

Uh, this is news to me.  We did our full release testing with WinCache + Zend 
Opcache enabled (NTS x86) and no failures were reported.  If there are things 
we should be telling our customers, now is the time to let us know...

> It would be nice if it is possible to have an alternative at
> least for a year or two.

We are marking the opcode cache portion of WinCache as "deprecated" in 1.3.5; 
This is the first step towards removal of the code.  We would like to get the 
(WinCache + Zend Opcache) configuration "baked" for one full PHP release cycle. 
 So the soonest we would consider removing the WinCache opcode cache would be 
at the PHP 5.6 release time.

> Also [W]indows as a whole is not a priority for Zend, for quite 
> some time. So ideally we should take care of this to ensure
> outstanding or at least sync performance and stability.

Hm.  Going off the number of installs of PHP via the Web Platform Installer 
(WPI), I would *hope* that Zend would consider Windows customers in their 
plans.  ^_^

# Standard disclaimer applies.

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I just filed this bug report, but given this is appears to be such a Windows 
specific issue, I figured I'd post it here as well and see what feedback I got:

Unable to create view for file mapping
No milestone
No one is assigned
There was a problem with your request, please try again
The content you are editing has changed. Reload the page and try again.
On my primary development machine (Windows 7 x64, IIS 7, PHP 5.5.2), I am 
experiencing this about every couple of days. I get an FastCGI has exited 
unexpectedly error and in the Event Viewer, I have this:
Log Name: Application
Source: Zend OPcache
Date: 8/27/2013 3:33:37 PM
Event ID: 8
Task Category: None
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
The description for Event ID 8 from source Zend OPcache cannot be found. Either 
the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or 
the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the 
local computer.
If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be 
saved with the event.
The following information was included with the event:
Unable to create view for file mapping
Not enough storage is available to process this command.

I have fixed this 2 different ways. The first is to run opcache_reset() from 
localhost (a page that is blank except for this command will load for some 
Today, I fixed this by changing the IRPStackSize value in 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\LanmanServer\Parameters to 
20 (per
Still, this seems like a bug to me.


Keith Davis - MCSA, ZCE, A+, N+
P.R.I.D.E. - Director of I.T.
Mobile (214) 906-5183

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