php-windows Digest 14 Aug 2013 07:35:39 -0000 Issue 4135

Topics (messages 31115 through 31116):

Re: php can't resolve 8.3 paths to unicode filenames, is that expected ?
        31115 by: R. S.

Found the cause of corrupted data storage in mySQL
        31116 by: Jacob Kruger


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--- Begin Message ---
Hello Pierre,

Thursday, August 8, 2013, 7:07:04 AM, you wrote:

> PHP does nothing with the paths a script passes to the IO function.
> The only operation being done is to resolve relative paths and the
> likes but that will only prepend the given path with the current
> directory and remove ../.. part of the given paths.

I know that. FreePascal must be doing the same.
But in much older FP it works, in php don't.

> The path is then given as is to the underlying OS file functions,
> which work only with ANSI or the current system charset (CP-*). PHP
> works perfectly fine with short path, even the ones with ~ in them.

No, php doens't work with short paths that are leading
to unicode long versions though these short paths do
not have any unicode chars in them. And that is the puzzle.

I think php filesystem functions try to do a little more than
they can handle with short paths.

> The problem I can see here (but can't confirm as I do not have your
> original source code to verify) is that the encoding seems to be UTF-8
> and that won't work per se.

The code is provided in this thread and in my (dismissed)
bug report.

    $FS = new \COM('Scripting.FileSystemObject', null, CP_UTF8);
    $ShortPath = $FS->GetFile("c:\\Ελλάδα.txt")->ShortPath;
    echo $ShortPath;
    $handle = fopen($ShortPath, 'w');

Here the file is created trough COM as it is stated in source code.
The com object isn't having any problem with translation from utf
to encoding used with windows file systems.

> Also UTF-8 (or the likes) paths for IO operation has nothing to very
> little to do with Unicode support as described or tried in the never
> released PHP 6. It is "only" about using another set of the Windows
> file APIs, in very short, about using the <funcname>W ones instead of
> the <funcname>A (which are aliases to <funcname> when UNICODE define
> is not set).

So this should be trivial to change in php's source code.

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Along the lines of all my recent posts, finally 'woke up', and went to go 
double check limits on blob, and longblob data storage lengths, and, yes, blob 
is limited to 64Kb = 65536 bytes, which is why it was truncating the data I was 
attempting to store in a column of data type blob, which is now longblob, which 
seems to have a limit of like 4Gb, or thereabouts...<smile>

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

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