On Apr 22, 2012, at 5:18 AM, Hannes Magnusson wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 14:12, Daniel Convissor
> <dani...@analysisandsolutions.com> wrote:
>> Hi Hannes:
>>> How about something along this way: http://imagebin.org/209085
>> The patch is a bunch of great work.
>> My only concern is that floating objects tend to cause problems.
>> Covering up desired content being the biggest of them, especially for
>> users that CTRL++ to zoom in a bunch to make things easier to read.
>> How about putting the text in the standard HTML layout between the
>> function signature and the "Description"?
> That is the default rendering without the phpweb patch.
> That however may be easily ignored when people just wanted to look a
> the notes or return values or whatever... Unless we change the
> container color or something to make it smack-in-your-face standout.


Thanks for doing this Hannes. I played with it and like it. It'll 
annoy a few people but overall will be a benefit. I vote:

 - Hannes add this to PhD, commit, and release soon
 - I update the XML for all ext/mysql functions 

We could tweak it later but ultimately we can make ext/mysql the
initial test case for deprecating an extension both softly and, 
err, for real.


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