Greetings all!

Found an interesting XML editor written in Java at:

The standard version is free to download and use.

It runs on most OS platforms with Java support available.

Here is some info from the above webpage.

Detailed List of Features
Screen Shots
Why Choose XXE?
Standard Edition
Professional Edition
Download Standard Edition
Buy Professional Edition
Upgrade Professional Edition

Features Overview

Supports the DTD, W3C XML Schema, RELAX NG schemas, XML 
namespace, XSLT, XPath, XInclude, XML catalog standards. 
Editing commands are DTD/schema aware. This makes creating 
invalid documents almost impossible. Word processor-like 
views are configured using cascading style sheets (CSS2).

When a CSS style sheet is not available for a document, a 
fully editable tree view is used instead of the word 
processor-like view.

Multiple, synchronized, views can be used to edit the same 
document. Standard controls such as buttons, check boxes, 
combo boxes, text fields, etc, can be embedded in the word 
processor-like view. With this feature, XXE can be used to 
edit XML data, XML documents or a mix of both content types. 
Has an easy to use and yet extremely powerful integrated 
spreadsheet engine. Can transform the document being edited 
using a built-in XSLT engine and FO processor plug-ins.

Supports many image formats (GIF, JPEG, PNG, SVG, TIFF, BMP, 
EPS, PDF, etc) through the use of image toolkit plug-ins. 
Can be used to edit documents stored on an FTP or WebDAV 
server. Ready-to-use support for XHTML (including HTML.4 
tables and forms), DocBook (including CALS tables), 
Simplified DocBook, Slides. Localized to English, French, 
German and Czech. Spell checker with dictionaries for 
English, French, German and Spanish. Multi-platform: 
Windows, Linux, MacOS X. Can be customized (menu, tool bar, 
keyboard shortcuts, macro-commands, etc) without any 
programming, using modular XML configuration files. Can be 
extended by writing custom commands and custom views in the 
JavaTM programming language. Configuration files and Jar 
files containing extension code can be centralized on an 
HTTP or FTP server. Can be deployed using JavaTM Web Start.

See detailed list of features for more information.

© 2003-2005 Pixware. Updated 2005-07-11 using qizx/open.

Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered 
trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other 

Acrobat is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.

HTH - Keith Roberts

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