dams            Wed Jul 16 21:13:26 2003 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /phpdoc/en/reference/mbstring/functions     mb-convert-kana.xml 
  adding beautiful tables
Index: phpdoc/en/reference/mbstring/functions/mb-convert-kana.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/reference/mbstring/functions/mb-convert-kana.xml:1.4 
--- phpdoc/en/reference/mbstring/functions/mb-convert-kana.xml:1.4      Wed Jul 16 
13:16:02 2003
+++ phpdoc/en/reference/mbstring/functions/mb-convert-kana.xml  Wed Jul 16 21:13:25 
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
-<!-- $Revision: 1.4 $ -->
+<!-- $Revision: 1.5 $ -->
 <!-- splitted from ./en/functions/mbstring.xml, last change in rev 1.1 -->
   <refentry id="function.mb-convert-kana">
@@ -31,33 +31,114 @@
      omitted, internal character encoding is used.
-     <informalexample>
-      <programlisting>
-       Applicable Conversion Options 
-       option : Specify with conversion of following options. Default "KV"
-       "r" :  Convert "zen-kaku" alphabets to "han-kaku"
-       "R" :  Convert "han-kaku" alphabets to "zen-kaku"
-       "n" :  Convert "zen-kaku" numbers to "han-kaku"
-       "N" :  Convert "han-kaku" numbers to "zen-kaku"
-       "a" :  Convert "zen-kaku" alphabets and numbers to "han-kaku"
-       "A" :  Convert "han-kaku" alphabets and numbers to "zen-kaku"
-       (Characters included in "a", "A" options are
-       U+0021 - U+007E excluding U+0022, U+0027, U+005C, U+007E)
-       "s" :  Convert "zen-kaku" space to "han-kaku" (U+3000 -> U+0020)
-       "S" :  Convert "han-kaku" space to "zen-kaku" (U+0020 -> U+3000)
-       "k" :  Convert "zen-kaku kata-kana" to "han-kaku kata-kana"
-       "K" :  Convert "han-kaku kata-kana" to "zen-kaku kata-kana"
-       "h" :  Convert "zen-kaku hira-gana" to "han-kaku kata-kana"
-       "H" :  Convert "han-kaku kata-kana" to "zen-kaku hira-gana"
-       "c" :  Convert "zen-kaku kata-kana" to "zen-kaku hira-gana"
-       "C" :  Convert "zen-kaku hira-gana" to "zen-kaku kata-kana"
-       "V" :  Collapse voiced sound notation and convert them into a character. Use 
with "K","H"
-      </programlisting>
-     </informalexample>
-    </para>
+       Specify with combinaison of following options. Default 
+       value is <literal>KV</literal>.
+      <table>
+       <title>Applicable Conversion Options</title>
+       <tgroup cols="2">
+        <thead>
+         <row>
+          <entry>Option</entry>
+          <entry>Meaning</entry>
+         </row>
+        </thead>
+        <tbody>
+         <row>
+          <entry><literal>r</literal></entry>
+          <entry>
+            Convert "zen-kaku" alphabets to "han-kaku"
+          </entry>
+         </row>
+         <row>
+          <entry><literal>R</literal></entry>
+          <entry>
+           Convert "han-kaku" alphabets to "zen-kaku"
+          </entry>
+         </row>
+         <row>
+          <entry><literal>n</literal></entry>
+          <entry>
+           Convert "zen-kaku" numbers to "han-kaku"
+          </entry>
+         </row>
+         <row>
+          <entry><literal>N</literal></entry>
+          <entry>
+          Convert "han-kaku" numbers to "zen-kaku"
+          </entry>
+         </row>
+         <row>
+          <entry><literal>a</literal></entry>
+          <entry>
+           Convert "zen-kaku" alphabets and numbers to "han-kaku"
+          </entry>
+         </row>
+         <row>
+          <entry><literal>A</literal></entry>
+          <entry>
+           Convert "han-kaku" alphabets and numbers to "zen-kaku"
+         (Characters included in "a", "A" options are
+          U+0021 - U+007E excluding U+0022, U+0027, U+005C, U+007E)
+          </entry>
+         </row>
+         <row>
+          <entry><literal>s</literal></entry>
+          <entry>
+            Convert "zen-kaku" space to "han-kaku" (U+3000 -> U+0020)
+          </entry>
+         </row>
+         <row>
+          <entry><literal>S</literal></entry>
+          <entry>
+            Convert "han-kaku" space to "zen-kaku" (U+0020 -> U+3000)
+          </entry>
+         </row>
+         <row>
+          <entry><literal>k</literal></entry>
+          <entry>
+           Convert "zen-kaku kata-kana" to "han-kaku kata-kana"
+          </entry>
+         </row>
+         <row>
+          <entry><literal>K</literal></entry>
+          <entry>
+          Convert "han-kaku kata-kana" to "zen-kaku kata-kana"
+          </entry>
+         </row>
+         <row>
+          <entry><literal>h</literal></entry>
+          <entry>
+           Convert "zen-kaku hira-gana" to "han-kaku kata-kana"
+          </entry>
+         </row>
+         <row>
+          <entry><literal>H</literal></entry>
+          <entry>
+           Convert "han-kaku kata-kana" to "zen-kaku hira-gana"
+          </entry>
+         </row>
+         <row>
+          <entry><literal>c</literal></entry>
+          <entry>
+          Convert "zen-kaku kata-kana" to "zen-kaku hira-gana"
+          </entry>
+         </row>
+         <row>
+          <entry><literal>C</literal></entry>
+          <entry>
+           Convert "zen-kaku hira-gana" to "zen-kaku kata-kana"
+          </entry>
+         </row>
+         <row>
+          <entry><literal>V</literal></entry>
+          <entry>
+           Collapse voiced sound notation and convert them into a character. Use with 
+          </entry>
+         </row>
+        </tbody>
+       </tgroup>
+      </table>
+     </para>
       <title><function>mb_convert_kana</function> example</title>
Index: phpdoc/en/reference/mbstring/functions/mb-strwidth.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/reference/mbstring/functions/mb-strwidth.xml:1.2 
--- phpdoc/en/reference/mbstring/functions/mb-strwidth.xml:1.2  Wed Apr 17 02:40:00 
+++ phpdoc/en/reference/mbstring/functions/mb-strwidth.xml      Wed Jul 16 21:13:25 
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
-<!-- $Revision: 1.2 $ -->
+<!-- $Revision: 1.3 $ -->
 <!-- splitted from ./en/functions/mbstring.xml, last change in rev 1.1 -->
   <refentry id="function.mb-strwidth">
@@ -22,19 +22,39 @@
      byte character.
-     <informalexample>
-      <programlisting>
-       Character width
-       U+0000 - U+0019   0
-       U+0020 - U+1FFF   1
-       U+2000 - U+FF60   2
-       U+FF61 - U+FF9F   1
-       U+FFA0 -          2
-      </programlisting>
-     </informalexample>
+      <table>
+       <title>Characters width</title>
+       <tgroup cols="2">
+        <thead>
+         <row>
+          <entry>Chars</entry>
+          <entry>Width</entry>
+         </row>
+        </thead>
+        <tbody>
+         <row>
+          <entry>U+0000 - U+0019</entry>
+          <entry>0</entry>
+         </row>
+         <row>
+          <entry>U+0020 - U+1FFF</entry>
+          <entry>1</entry>
+         </row>
+         <row>
+          <entry>U+2000 - U+FF60</entry>
+          <entry>2</entry>
+         </row>
+         <row>
+          <entry>U+FF61 - U+FF9F</entry>
+          <entry>1</entry>
+         </row>
+         <row>
+          <entry>U+FFA0 -      </entry>
+          <entry>2</entry>
+         </row>
+        </tbody>
+       </tgroup>
+      </table>
      <parameter>encoding</parameter> is character encoding. If it is

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