
Now all dsl.in, xsl.in, dsl and xsl files, some readme stuff and
scripts are in the phpdoc root path. It is sometimes hard to find
the files or things you are looking for, just because the number
of files, and the different nature of them are getting confusing.

It would be nice IMHO to make a "styles" dir under phpdoc, and move
all .dsl.in and .xsl.in, thus the generated .dsl and .xsl files
to that dir, so we know where to look for style sheet files.

This would mean 29 files from the root dir, and this move will
even left approximately 50 files in the phpdoc root.

I started to play with this idea, but it turned out, that the sctipts,
and styles are so tied to each other, that I am unable to figure
out in a reasonable time that what to modify where to make things
work as before, while the style sheets are in the styles dir.

IMHO this change would even help the newcomers, as they would not
face ~80-100 files in the main root dir, with mixed purpouse and


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