Hello everyone,

We have a new flexible book based structure ready for content, but what kind of content? Let's come up with some categories to help people get moving.

Here are new sections we already have, or know we'll have:

- Examples:
- FAQs:
- Tutorials:

So let's brainstorm for others. Of course none are required, nor are we limited to certain categories, but it's helpful to define some:

- Changelog: This might pull in all changelog entries from files within the sections docs (like from its functions), and could contain extension wide entries.

- Security: Its own category?

- Performance: Might be spread throughout other categories.

- Cookbook: For performing common tasks, but this might just be in examples... but it is different.

- E_DEPRECATED and E_STRICT section: May be good to track these per extension. What would we call this?

- Tips and Gotchas: This might be part of the FAQ, or spread throughout the other categories.

- Maintainers: Do we want to list people in EXTENSIONS so people will bug them with questions and patches? Could get messy and outdated. That file is. Link to bugs db?

- Additional resources: Add helpful links, but a maintenance nightmare? A link to doxygen results? :)

- Migration: A mix of categories, not sure about this idea. But it could tell people how to write PHP4+5+6 friendly code.

- Appendix: Since we're thinking book here, I guess this is something to think about too.

I've gotten a little carried away here so please feel free to comment on these and/or add other ideas.


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