To follow up on James's note for whom wasn't reading today's short

This topic popped up today as the security issue and ended up being
rather a missing warning in the documentation.

The two functions eval() and preg_replace() (when used with /e modifier)
evaluate strings as native PHP code. In some cases, string can be
composed with the user input, which, as James notes, is often the case with

Problem I see (and Derick agreed) is that, the security of use for these
two functions are left up to the programmer's responsibility. And, many
PHP newcomers adore such "magic" functions as eval (along with variable
variables etc) and might carelessly misuse them.

The documentation for eval and preg_replace (with /e modifier) should
have a warning message advising to be very careful in mixing the
evaluation of the user input of any kind.

I guess we should add the warning ENTITY to language-snippets.en and
point that to the docs. Not sure yet about the most correct way of
describing this warning. Anyone?

Maxim Maletsky

On Mon, 3 Feb 2003 14:31:18 -0500 (EST) "James E. Flemer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A warning about preg_replace() command needs to be added to
> the docs page for this command.  The preg_replace() command
> can use the "/e" modifier to have the "replacement" be
> eval()d by PHP, just like perl.
> There is a high potential for exploitable PHP code if a
> programmer uses the /e modifier and does not use quotes
> around the back references (backrefs).  Without quotes,
> arbitrary commands may be executed by using the backtick
> operator.  Other commands may be executed as well, but are
> more difficult, since addslashes() prevents the characters
> ['"\\\0] from being used.
> An clear and explicit warning should be added to the doc
> page for preg_replace, indicating the backrefs must always
> be quoted.  Single quotes are preferable, since double
> quotes allow variable expansion.
> See the messages below for examples of how this may be
> exploited.  (Assume that $a comes from an untrusted source,
> i.e. a get/post/cookie/header variable.)
> -James
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2003 01:04:23 -0500 (EST)
> From: James E. Flemer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] preg_replace oddity [exploitable]
> I found a more evil example:
> <?php
>   $a = "___! `rm -rf /tmp/sess_*` !___";
>   $b = preg_replace("/!(.*)!/e", "print(\\1);", $a);
> ?>
> This happily executes "rm -rf /tmp/sess_*".  I will not
> give out more examples, but if one examines the code for
> addslashes() it is quite obvious what you can an cannot do
> here.  Thus it is clearly a Bad Thing for someone to use
> preg_replace with the /e modifier and not use quotes around
> the \\n or $n backrefs.
> The docs should be updated to include a very noticeable
> warning about this hole.  I am contemplating possible
> solutions for this problem...
> Also as a side note, it does not seem to be possible to use
> 'echo' as part of the expression, print must be used.  (Yes
> I know why, just pointing it out.)
> -James
> On Thu, 30 Jan 2003, James E. Flemer wrote:
> > Can someone explain what is going on here:
> >
> > --- foo.php ---
> > <?php
> >   $a = "___! 52); echo(42 !___";
> >   $b = preg_replace("/!(.*)!/e", "print(\\1);", $a);
> >   print("\n---\na: $a\nb: $b\n");
> > ?>
> > --- end ---
> > --- output ---
> > 52
> > ---
> > a: ___! 52); echo(42 !___
> > b: ___1___
> > --- end ---
> >
> > I understand that one is supposed to use single quotes
> > around the \\1 in the above preg_replace.  But what happens
> > when they do not?  Clearly the echo(42); is not executed,
> > and it is not printed by print().  Even more interesting is
> > if you put something like echo(\"42 in $a, then you get a
> > bunch of errors including:
> >   Fatal error - Failed evaluating code:
> >   print( 52); echo(\"42 );
> >
> > It seems like preg_replace() is doing some strange things,
> > and might be something that could be exploitable if a
> > remote user can supply the first argument, and the second
> > argument does not enclose \\n options.
> >
> > -James
> -- 
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