I just made things work with mariadb 10, the steps:

1.) apt-get install libmariadb-client-lgpl-dev
2.) Compile as per the instructions in mysql.c

Warning: next time I push the new mariadb based .so will go up, perhaps not
the best idea to keep it under version control...

On Sat, May 2, 2015 at 2:38 AM, Alexander Williams <a...@unscramble.co.jp>

> OK I see. I'll have a look later today and see if I can handle those
> issues.
> Thanks!!
> On 2015-05-02, at 1:33 AM, Henrik Sarvell <hsarv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've now updated, due to time constraints I have not done the following:
> 1.) Linked straight to the mysql client library as I still need to call my
> conn function in mysql.c, in order to get rid of it one first needs to call
> mysql_init to get the connection struct, so far so good but then calling
> mysql_real_connect and being able to get the updated pointer properly
> requires somehow mapping the struct on line 242 in
> /usr/include/mysql/mysql.h in the call, too much; didn't do that.
> 2.) Some kind of proper query builder, there are some helper functions in
> the form of the mk*>s.
> Due to time constraints I believe I'm done for now for the foreseeable
> future.
> On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 10:14 AM, Henrik Sarvell <hsarv...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Yes, you're right, I'll remove it and "link" straight to the lib, it
>> was something I did in the beginning of the process when I was unsure
>> of how transparently I could pass references to structs around.
>> As it turned out it's completely seamless so your suggestion makes
>> perfect sense, or be my guest and do it yourself if you're anxious, I
>> won't have time until next weekend, feel free to copy whatever you
>> like from me.
>> On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 3:28 AM, Alexander Williams
>> <a...@unscramble.co.jp> wrote:
>> > Henrik this is great!!
>> >
>> > I've been looking for something like this but it was a little lower on
>> my priority list. Thank you!
>> >
>> > I find it interesting that you wrote some C to initiate the mysql
>> connection Would it be easier to do it in PicoLisp and simply use
>> libmysqlclient.so ?
>> >
>> > On 2015-04-27, at 6:00 AM, Henrik Sarvell <hsarv...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> >> Hi list, I'm announcing this at a very early stage, earlier than I
>> >> would like to, in case someone else is also thinking about doing a
>> >> MySQL wrapper, to avoid duplicate work.
>> >>
>> >> I'm not doing this because I think that MySQL is in any way a better
>> >> alternative than the native DB functionality, rather the opposite.
>> >>
>> >> The main reasoning is that it might help adoption of the language as
>> >> I've come to believe that how the data is stored could be as big a
>> >> hurdle to switch as the language switch itself - for many
>> >> organisations - if they can keep their data as it is (to begin with)
>> >> half the battle might already be won.
>> >>
>> >> PicoLisp with MySQL is still better than say PHP with MySQL.
>> >>
>> >> It also helps in migrating from MySQL to the native DB.
>> >>
>> >> It's all inspired by Alex Williams' nice and instructive use of the
>> >> native stuff here: http://aw.github.io/picolisp//2015/02/22/nanomsg/
>> >>
>> >> And I couldn't have managed without AB's writeup here:
>> >> http://software-lab.de/doc/native.html
>> >>
>> >> Without further ado:
>> >> https://bitbucket.org/hsarvell/ext/src/default/mysql.l?at=default
>> >>
>> >> Note that you can't just run with the file linked to above, you need
>> >> the mysql.so file in the ext/so folder too.
>> >>
>> >> If no one beats me to it I will do some more work on this one in the
>> >> future and will announce here when there's something to show.
>> >> --
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