Hi all,

I've recently published a new "GitHub Action" for PicoLisp, which is available here: https://github.com/marketplace/actions/picolisp-action

If you're not familiar with Actions[1], they're essentially little utilities you can plug into your repo(s) to automate certain tasks (like pre-written recipes for Travis-ci).

This PicoLisp Action automates the download, compile, and install of a 32/64 bit PicoLisp with any version between 17.12 and the latest rolling release. It runs in a Linux VM instead of Docker, so you don't have the limitations of a container.

This is mostly for CI/CD use-cases, anyone actively using PicoLisp in production or writing code which they want to test on various versions/platforms can find some value in automating their tests with this.

I use it to automate the unit tests on my JSON library[2], and plan to add it 
to all my repos currently using Travis-ci/Jenkins.

If anyone has other PicoLisp use-cases they'd like to see automated on there, let me know and I'll look into adding support for it.

[1] - GitHub Actions - https://github.com/features/actions
[2] - JSON library - https://github.com/aw/picolisp-json


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