
Currently 'read-expenses' application included with pilot-link package is
not very useful, since it produces unstructured output, which is difficult
to parse and process.

For personal needs, I've done small hack: I've modified 'read-expenses' to
produce XML output. Then I wrote small XSLT transformation to convert this
XML file into HTML page, which could be printed and attached to your
expense report.

To run XSLT transformation, you need command 'xsltproc' which is part
of 'libxslt' package, which could be downloaded from

My code could be freely distributed under GPL. I hope you find it usefule
and it perhaps be included into pilot-link contrib.

The file is attached.

Vadim Zaliva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

;; Vadim Zaliva                     + Those who do not understand Unix  +
;; mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]        + are condemned to reinvent it,     +
;; http://www.crocodile.org         + poorly.          (H. Spencer)     +


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