Marcelo Mammana pinhole-discussion@p at ???
Thu Mar 13 10:12:43 2003
>Here is my problem:
>I use Agfa Multicontrast Premium,
>The manufacturers chart, for when using the paper
>under the enlarger light, says that the paper has an
>ASA of 400p ("p" meaning paper?) when is used without
--- On Thu 03/13, Marcelo Mammana < > wrote:
Subject: [pinhole-discussion] Agfa Multicontrast Premium ASA
3-Is there any female hormones in the manufacturing of
the paper, so they change some days during the month?
(no answers expected for ques
Here is my problem:
I use Agfa Multicontrast Premium, in 2 different
pinhole cameras (one with 95mm focal lenght, f/290),
and the second with 25mm focal lenght, f/155) and
using the same light-meter and the same correction
factors for reciprocity (charts for exposure from
Mr.Pinhole Calculators