[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: libterralib/debian control

2006-06-18 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/06/19 03:30:21 Modified:debian control Log: Woops, forgot versioned dpkg-dev build-dep Revision ChangesPath 1.5 +1 -1 libterralib/debian/control CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: libterralib/debian changelog control

2006-06-18 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/06/19 03:24:30 Modified:debian changelog control Log: Make the package binNMUable, don't use ${Source-Version} Revision ChangesPath 1.5 +2 -1 libterralib/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- C

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: mapserver/debian changelog control rules

2006-06-14 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/06/14 17:40:27 Modified:debian changelog control rules Log: Update for new Python policy (Closes: #373461, #360576) Revision ChangesPath 1.82 +6 -0 mapserver/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: gdal/debian changelog control

2006-05-26 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/05/27 04:58:04 Modified:debian changelog control Log: Switch from libxerces26-dev to libxerces27-dev (Closes: #368914) Revision ChangesPath 1.16 +6 -0 gdal/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: avce00/debian/patches 00list detect_endianness.dpatch

2006-03-31 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/31 12:26:58 Added: debian/patches 00list detect_endianness.dpatch Log: Add avce00 to the repository Revision ChangesPath 1.1 avce00/debian/patches/00list CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: avce00/debian README.Debian avce00.install changelog compat control copyright dirs docs rules watch

2006-03-31 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/31 12:26:58 Added: debian README.Debian avce00.install changelog compat control copyright dirs docs rules watch Log: Add avce00 to the repository Revision ChangesPath 1.1 avce00/debian

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: avce00/debian/patches - New directory

2006-03-31 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/31 12:23:24 avce00/debian/patches - New directory ___ Pkg-grass-devel mailing list Pkg-grass-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/pkg-grass-devel

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: avce00/debian - New directory

2006-03-31 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/31 12:20:49 avce00/debian - New directory ___ Pkg-grass-devel mailing list Pkg-grass-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/pkg-grass-devel

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: avce00 - New directory

2006-03-31 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/31 12:20:33 avce00 - New directory ___ Pkg-grass-devel mailing list Pkg-grass-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/pkg-grass-devel

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: mapserver/debian changelog control

2006-03-27 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/28 07:36:31 Modified:debian changelog control Log: Change priority to extra in line with ftpmaster override Revision ChangesPath 1.76 +2 -1 mapserver/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: ogdi/debian - New directory

2006-03-27 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/28 04:42:22 ogdi/debian - New directory ___ Pkg-grass-devel mailing list Pkg-grass-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/pkg-grass-devel

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: ogdi - New directory

2006-03-27 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/28 04:41:50 ogdi - New directory ___ Pkg-grass-devel mailing list Pkg-grass-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/pkg-grass-devel

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: mapserver/debian changelog rules

2006-03-27 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/28 03:25:00 Modified:debian changelog rules Log: Install shp2pdf and tile4ms too. Closes: #359615 Revision ChangesPath 1.75 +2 -1 mapserver/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: mapserver/debian changelog php4-mapscript.config php4-mapscript.postinst php5-mapscript.config php5-mapscript.postinst

2006-03-23 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/23 15:47:25 Modified:debian changelog php4-mapscript.config php4-mapscript.postinst php5-mapscript.config php5-mapscript.postinst Log: Workaround 346184 Revision ChangesPath 1.74 +3 -1

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: mapserver/debian/patches 00list 10_python_build.dpatch

2006-03-23 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/23 14:20:01 Modified:debian/patches 00list Removed: debian/patches 10_python_build.dpatch Log: New upstream release Revision ChangesPath 1.8 +0 -1 mapserver/debian/patches/00list CVSWEB Options

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: mapserver/debian changelog

2006-03-23 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/23 14:20:00 Modified:debian changelog Log: New upstream release Revision ChangesPath 1.73 +7 -0 mapserver/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file: http

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: postgis/debian/sofiles.in copyright mktemplate_gis mktemplate_gis.sh postgis_env.sh postgres_lib.sh [EMAIL PROTECTED]@-postgis#SONAME#.dirs [EMAIL PROTECTED]@-postgis#SONAM

2006-03-22 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/22 15:41:21 Modified:debian/sofiles.in copyright Added: debian/sofiles.in mktemplate_gis mktemplate_gis.sh postgis_env.sh postgres_lib.sh [EMAIL PROTECTED]@-postgis#SONAME#.dirs

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: postgis/debian/patches patch.level upstream-1.1.0.diff

2006-03-22 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/22 15:41:18 Added: debian/patches patch.level upstream-1.1.0.diff Log: Add Alex's postgis 1.1 packaging. TODO: patches for stuff outside debian/ Revision ChangesPath 1.1 postgis/debian/patches/patch.level C

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: postgis/debian/control.source control-pgbuilddep.onepg control-pgdep.onepg control.0 control.common control.doc control.in control.java control.javadebug control.libpostgis

2006-03-22 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/22 15:41:17 Added: debian/control.source control-pgbuilddep.onepg control-pgdep.onepg control.0 control.common control.doc control.in control.java control.javadebug control.libpostgis

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: postgis/debian/sofiles.in control control.java control.nojava control.withjava libpostgis#SOVER#.dirs libpostgis#SOVER#.docs libpostgis#SOVER#.examples libpostgis#SOVER#.in

2006-03-22 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/22 15:10:04 Removed: debian/sofiles.in control control.java control.nojava control.withjava libpostgis#SOVER#.dirs libpostgis#SOVER#.docs libpostgis#SOVER#.examples libpostgis#SOVER

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: postgis/debian/pgsql80_src/src Makefile.global Makefile.global.in Makefile.port Makefile.shlib nls-global.mk

2006-03-22 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/22 15:10:01 Removed: debian/pgsql80_src/src Makefile.global Makefile.global.in Makefile.port Makefile.shlib nls-global.mk Log: Remove files not used with postgis 1.1 ___ Pkg-grass

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: postgis/debian/pgsql80_src/config install-sh mkinstalldirs

2006-03-22 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/22 15:09:58 Removed: debian/pgsql80_src/config install-sh mkinstalldirs Log: Remove files not used with postgis 1.1 ___ Pkg-grass-devel mailing list Pkg-grass-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org http

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: postgis/debian/pgsql80_src config.status configure

2006-03-22 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/22 15:09:57 Removed: debian/pgsql80_src config.status configure Log: Remove files not used with postgis 1.1 ___ Pkg-grass-devel mailing list Pkg-grass-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org http

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: postgis/debian/pgsql74_src/src Makefile.custom Makefile.global Makefile.global.in Makefile.port Makefile.shlib nls-global.mk

2006-03-22 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/22 15:09:53 Removed: debian/pgsql74_src/src Makefile.custom Makefile.global Makefile.global.in Makefile.port Makefile.shlib nls-global.mk Log: Remove files not used with postgis 1.1

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: postgis/debian/pgsql74_src/config install-sh mkinstalldirs

2006-03-22 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/22 15:09:51 Removed: debian/pgsql74_src/config install-sh mkinstalldirs Log: Remove files not used with postgis 1.1 ___ Pkg-grass-devel mailing list Pkg-grass-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org http

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: postgis/debian/pgsql74_src config.status configure

2006-03-22 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/22 15:09:49 Removed: debian/pgsql74_src config.status configure Log: Remove files not used with postgis 1.1 ___ Pkg-grass-devel mailing list Pkg-grass-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org http

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: postgis/debian/pgsql73_src/src Makefile.global Makefile.global.in Makefile.port Makefile.shlib nls-global.mk

2006-03-22 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/22 15:09:45 Removed: debian/pgsql73_src/src Makefile.global Makefile.global.in Makefile.port Makefile.shlib nls-global.mk Log: Remove files not used with postgis 1.1 ___ Pkg-grass

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: postgis/debian/pgsql73_src/config install-sh mkinstalldirs

2006-03-22 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/22 15:09:43 Removed: debian/pgsql73_src/config install-sh mkinstalldirs Log: Remove files not used with postgis 1.1 ___ Pkg-grass-devel mailing list Pkg-grass-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org http

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: postgis/debian/pgsql73_src config.status configure

2006-03-22 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/22 15:09:41 Removed: debian/pgsql73_src config.status configure Log: Remove files not used with postgis 1.1 ___ Pkg-grass-devel mailing list Pkg-grass-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org http

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: postgis/debian/pgsql72_src/src Makefile.custom Makefile.global Makefile.global.in Makefile.port Makefile.shlib nls-global.mk

2006-03-22 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/22 15:09:37 Removed: debian/pgsql72_src/src Makefile.custom Makefile.global Makefile.global.in Makefile.port Makefile.shlib nls-global.mk Log: Remove files not used with postgis 1.1

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: postgis/debian/pgsql72_src/config install-sh mkinstalldirs

2006-03-22 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/22 15:09:35 Removed: debian/pgsql72_src/config install-sh mkinstalldirs Log: Remove files not used with postgis 1.1 ___ Pkg-grass-devel mailing list Pkg-grass-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org http

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: postgis/debian/pgsql72_src config.status configure

2006-03-22 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/22 15:09:34 Removed: debian/pgsql72_src config.status configure Log: Remove files not used with postgis 1.1 ___ Pkg-grass-devel mailing list Pkg-grass-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org http

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: postgis/debian COPYRIGHT.pgsql##_src logtop mktemplate_gis.sh.in postgresql.vars rmtemplate_gis.sh sofiles

2006-03-22 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/22 15:09:16 Removed: debian COPYRIGHT.pgsql##_src logtop mktemplate_gis.sh.in postgresql.vars rmtemplate_gis.sh sofiles Log: Remove files not used with postgis 1.1 ___ Pkg-grass

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: postgis/debian control

2006-03-22 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/22 15:07:39 Modified:debian control Log: Add homepages to postgis Revision ChangesPath 1.2 +8 -0 postgis/debian/control CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file: http

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: libterralib/debian/patches 358243_gcc4.1_FTBFS.patch

2006-03-22 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/22 08:03:33 Added: debian/patches 358243_gcc4.1_FTBFS.patch Log: Closes: #358243: Fix GCC 4.1 FTBFS, patch from Martin Michlmayr Revision ChangesPath 1.1 libterralib/debian/patches/358243_gcc4.1_FTBFS.patch CVSWEB

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: libterralib/debian changelog

2006-03-22 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/22 08:03:33 Modified:debian changelog Log: Closes: #358243: Fix GCC 4.1 FTBFS, patch from Martin Michlmayr Revision ChangesPath 1.4 +2 -1 libterralib/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: scripts dgis-packages.inc

2006-03-20 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/21 00:36:07 Modified:.dgis-packages.inc Log: Add mapping apps mentioned here: http://industry.slashgeo.org/industry/06/03/19/215236.shtml Revision ChangesPath 1.26 +3 -0 scripts/dgis-packages.inc CVSWEB Options

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: gdal/debian/patches 00list 357189_gcc4.1_ftbfs.dpatch

2006-03-15 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/16 05:46:36 Modified:debian/patches 00list Added: debian/patches 357189_gcc4.1_ftbfs.dpatch Log: Fix GCC 4.1 FTBFS with patch from Martin Michlmayr. Closes: #357189 Revision ChangesPath 1.3 +1 -0 gdal/debian/patches/00list

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: gdal/debian changelog

2006-03-15 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/16 05:46:36 Modified:debian changelog Log: Fix GCC 4.1 FTBFS with patch from Martin Michlmayr. Closes: #357189 Revision ChangesPath 1.14 +6 -0 gdal/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: pkg-grass/debian changelog control

2006-03-15 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/16 05:15:52 Modified:debian changelog control Log: Suggest some packages that enable some scripts. Revision ChangesPath 1.43 +5 -2 pkg-grass/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: thuban/debian watch

2006-03-10 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/11 04:49:57 Modified:debian watch Log: Clean up watch files Revision ChangesPath 1.2 +0 -4 thuban/debian/watch CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file: http://cvs.alioth.debian.org

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: postgis/debian watch

2006-03-10 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/11 04:49:56 Modified:debian watch Log: Clean up watch files Revision ChangesPath 1.2 +0 -4 postgis/debian/watch CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file: http://cvs.alioth.debian.org

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: gpx2shp/debian watch

2006-03-10 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/11 04:49:56 Modified:debian watch Log: Clean up watch files Revision ChangesPath 1.2 +0 -5 gpx2shp/debian/watch CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file: http://cvs.alioth.debian.org

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: gdal/debian watch

2006-03-10 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/11 04:49:56 Modified:debian watch Log: Clean up watch files Revision ChangesPath 1.2 +0 -4 gdal/debian/watch CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file: http://cvs.alioth.debian.org/cgi

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: scripts dgis-status.pl

2006-03-07 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/08 01:29:56 Modified:.dgis-status.pl Log: Shorter URLs to the PTS Revision ChangesPath 1.7 +2 -2 scripts/dgis-status.pl CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file: http

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: scripts dgis-packages.inc

2006-03-06 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/03/07 07:14:24 Modified:.dgis-packages.inc Log: Change libbatik-java (the binary package) to batik (the source package). Revision ChangesPath 1.7 +1 -1 scripts/dgis-packages.inc CVSWEB Options

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: mapserver/debian rules changelog

2006-02-20 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/02/20 08:58:53 Modified:debian rules changelog Log: Fix FTBFS on all platforms due to autobuilders calling debian/rules build instead of build-arch. Revision ChangesPath 1.23 +6 -1 mapserver/debian/rules CVSWEB Options

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: mapserver/debian changelog rules

2006-02-19 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/02/19 11:48:42 Modified:debian changelog rules Log: Turn off executable bit for the php examples. Revision ChangesPath 1.69 +2 -2 mapserver/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: mapserver/debian copyright

2006-02-19 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/02/19 11:40:43 Modified:debian copyright Log: Add a pointer to /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL in debian/copyright. Revision ChangesPath 1.7 +3 -0 mapserver/debian/copyright CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: mapserver/debian changelog php4-mapscript.copyright

2006-02-19 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/02/19 11:05:46 Modified:debian changelog Removed: debian php4-mapscript.copyright Log: Remove redundant mapserver/debian/php4-mapscript.copyright Revision ChangesPath 1.68 +2 -2 mapserver/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: mapserver/debian changelog

2006-02-19 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/02/19 10:56:38 Modified:debian changelog Log: Clarify that the docs are built using python-docutils. Revision ChangesPath 1.67 +1 -1 mapserver/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: pkg-grass/debian changelog

2006-02-17 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/02/17 12:27:35 Modified:debian changelog Log: Close the duplicate FTBFS bug. Revision ChangesPath 1.39 +1 -1 pkg-grass/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file: http

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: musmap/debian watch

2006-02-17 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/02/17 11:12:25 Modified:debian watch Log: Fix typo in musmap watch file. Revision ChangesPath 1.2 +1 -1 musmap/debian/watch CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file: http

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: musmap/debian watch

2006-02-17 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/02/17 11:03:14 Added: debian watch Log: Add a watch file for musmap. Revision ChangesPath 1.1 musmap/debian/watch CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file: http

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: pkg-grass/debian changelog control watch

2006-02-17 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/02/17 11:11:39 Modified:debian changelog control Added: debian watch Log: Fix homepages, add watch file Revision ChangesPath 1.38 +6 -2 pkg-grass/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: mapserver/debian changelog

2006-02-16 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/02/17 04:46:10 Modified:debian changelog Log: Consolidate 4.6.2-2 entries and release 4.8.1-1 Revision ChangesPath 1.66 +2 -7 mapserver/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: e00compr/debian changelog watch

2006-02-09 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/02/09 13:55:59 Modified:debian changelog watch Log: Fix watch file Revision ChangesPath 1.3 +2 -1 e00compr/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file: http

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: mapserver/debian changelog rules

2006-02-08 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/02/09 07:12:31 Modified:debian changelog rules Log: Fix building with sudo Revision ChangesPath 1.65 +2 -1 mapserver/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file: http

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: mapserver/debian changelog copyright

2006-02-08 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/02/09 04:44:43 Modified:debian changelog copyright Log: Completely revamp copyright information Revision ChangesPath 1.64 +2 -1 mapserver/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: mapserver/debian TODO.Debian

2006-02-08 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/02/09 03:33:46 Modified:debian TODO.Debian Log: Don't forget ming Revision ChangesPath 1.2 +1 -0 mapserver/debian/TODO.Debian CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file:

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: mapserver/debian mapserver-doc.docs rules

2006-02-08 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/02/08 13:42:06 Modified:debian mapserver-doc.docs rules Log: Convert the rfc files to html too. Revision ChangesPath 1.4 +0 -1 mapserver/debian/mapserver-doc.docs CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: mapserver/debian rules

2006-02-08 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/02/08 13:26:28 Modified:debian rules Log: Woops, forgot dh_installexamples Revision ChangesPath 1.18 +1 -0 mapserver/debian/rules CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file: http

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: mapserver/debian TODO.Debian changelog

2006-02-08 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/02/08 13:21:46 Modified:debian changelog Added: debian TODO.Debian Log: Add a TODO.Debian file Revision ChangesPath 1.63 +2 -1 mapserver/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: mapserver/debian changelog control mapserver-doc.docs perl-mapscript.docs perl-mapscript.examples php4-mapscript.docs php4-mapscript.examples php5-mapscript.docs php5-mapsc

2006-02-08 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/02/08 13:18:19 Modified:debian changelog control mapserver-doc.docs php4-mapscript.docs rules Added: debian perl-mapscript.examples php4-mapscript.examples php5-mapscript.docs php5-mapscript.examples

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: mapserver/debian changelog

2006-02-08 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/02/08 11:44:55 Modified:debian changelog Log: New upstream version Revision ChangesPath 1.61 +6 -0 mapserver/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file: http

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: gdal/debian/patches 351372_mipsel_ftbfs.dpatch

2006-02-07 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/02/07 16:23:40 Added: debian/patches 351372_mipsel_ftbfs.dpatch Log: Woops, forgot to cvs add :( Revision ChangesPath 1.1 gdal/debian/patches/351372_mipsel_ftbfs.dpatch CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: gdal/debian changelog

2006-02-07 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/02/07 16:22:39 Modified:debian changelog Log: Fix 351372: gdal FTBFS on mipsel Revision ChangesPath 1.11 +6 -0 gdal/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file: http

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: gdal/debian/patches 00list

2006-02-07 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/02/07 16:22:39 Modified:debian/patches 00list Log: Fix 351372: gdal FTBFS on mipsel Revision ChangesPath 1.2 +1 -0 gdal/debian/patches/00list CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file: http

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: thuban/debian changelog control

2006-02-03 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/02/04 05:38:12 Modified:debian changelog control Log: Fix up the thuban homepage Revision ChangesPath 1.3 +5 -1 thuban/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file: http

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: mapserver/debian changelog control

2006-01-31 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/02/01 06:44:51 Modified:debian changelog control Log: Change Priority to match the override set by the ftpmasters. Revision ChangesPath 1.60 +6 -0 mapserver/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: mapserver/debian changelog control

2006-01-31 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/01/31 13:40:03 Modified:debian changelog control Log: Fix case of build-conflicts Revision ChangesPath 1.58 +2 -1 mapserver/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file: http

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: mapserver/debian changelog

2006-01-31 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/01/31 13:34:41 Modified:debian changelog Log: Close FTBFS due to gdal bug in the changelog Revision ChangesPath 1.57 +2 -2 mapserver/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: mapserver/debian changelog rules

2006-01-31 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/01/31 13:22:54 Modified:debian changelog rules Log: Update debian/rules to use -arch/-indep targets for binary/install/build, and fix error moving mapserv to cgi-bin. Revision ChangesPath 1.56 +2 -1 mapserver/debian/changelog

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: mapserver/debian changelog control

2006-01-23 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/01/23 09:02:18 Modified:debian changelog control Log: Update gdal build-depend for the final time for this version of gdal Revision ChangesPath 1.55 +2 -2 mapserver/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: mapserver/debian control

2006-01-19 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/01/19 11:43:11 Modified:debian control Log: Correct mapserver docs homepage Revision ChangesPath 1.35 +1 -1 mapserver/debian/control CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file: http

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: geos/debian changelog watch

2006-01-14 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/01/15 05:54:49 Modified:debian changelog Added: debian watch Log: Add a watch file Revision ChangesPath 1.3 +2 -1 geos/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: geos/debian changelog control

2006-01-14 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/01/15 05:51:50 Modified:debian changelog control Log: Add homepages Revision ChangesPath 1.2 +5 -1 geos/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file: http

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: gdal/debian changelog control

2006-01-12 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/01/13 04:57:41 Modified:debian changelog control Log: Add homepages to the gdal package descriptions Revision ChangesPath 1.4 +5 -1 gdal/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file

[DebianGIS-dev] CVS Update: mapserver/debian changelog control

2006-01-08 Thread pabs-guest
User: pabs-guest Date: 06/01/08 15:32:40 Modified:debian changelog control Log: Fix gdal build-dep yet again. Revision ChangesPath 1.54 +3 -3 mapserver/debian/changelog CVSWEB Options: --- CVSWeb: Annotate this file