---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Simon Pepping
Date: Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 10:29 PM
Subject: [VOTE] Release files for fop 1.0

The release files for fop 1.0 are now ready for review and the release

The release files were built from:
(created in revision 963413).

The release files are found here: http://people.apache.org/~spepping/fop-1_0:

3186f93a314bdcb710bd7cb02d80404c  fop-1.0-bin.tar.gz
262da85d77fbca68556bc74e44ecca27  fop-1.0-bin.zip
b47043cea49a9291bc0ed369a4150dd3  fop-1.0-bundle.jar
95dcc4c2dd08b4bc88ce9ce1ee88c439  fop-1.0-src.tar.gz
8693ed0f4586d394e547a23625a64d34  fop-1.0-src.zip

As partially mentioned earlier, I used the following workaround:

jdk6:  ant distclean, docs
jdk14 without junit: ant dist (which runs the docs target again),
jdk6: junit

This uses the trick that forrest is run each time, but does not clean
out its target directory.

With jdk14 all junit tests fail. I removed junit from the classpath
for jdk14, and ran junit after the build with jdk6.

forrest also gives problems with jdk6:

0.95/images/update.jpg: No pipeline matched request: 0.95/images/update.jpg
       at <map:mount> -
0.95/images/fix.jpg: No pipeline matched request: 0.95/images/fix.jpg
       at <map:mount> -
0.95/images/add.jpg: No pipeline matched request: 0.95/images/add.jpg
       at <map:mount> -
1.0/images/update.jpg: No pipeline matched request: 1.0/images/update.jpg
       at <map:mount> -
1.0/images/fix.jpg: No pipeline matched request: 1.0/images/fix.jpg
       at <map:mount> -
1.0/images/add.jpg: No pipeline matched request: 1.0/images/add.jpg
       at <map:mount> -

These images are in /images, and the problem does not seem to matter.

compliance.pdf: internal-destination or external-destination must be
specified in basic-link. As a consequence no compliance.pdf was built.

For your perusal I uploaded the build log: build-2010-07-12T22:19:58+02:00.log.

Please, review and cast your votes before Thu 15 July 19:00h UTC.

+1 from me.

Simon Pepping
home page: http://www.leverkruid.eu


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<http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/pkg-java-maintainers>. Please 
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