Bug#687683: libjmagick6-jni: jmagick crashes with assertion failure on XEN virtual host

2013-10-09 Thread Emmanuel Bourg
Hi Benjamin, A new version of jmagick (6.6.9) has just been uploaded to unstable. Could you please try again with this version and see if it works better? Emmanuel Bourg __ This is the maintainer address of Debian's Java team

Bug#687683: libjmagick6-jni: jmagick crashes with assertion failure on XEN virtual host

2012-09-14 Thread Benjamin Habegger
Package: libjmagick6-jni Version: 6.2.6-0-8+b2 Severity: important Dear Maintainer, The follinwg error occurs on our XEN virtualized hosts when trying to rotate certain pcitures: java: magick/cache-view.c:729: GetCacheViewVirtualPixels: Assertion `id < (int) cache_view->number_threads' failed.