
I am fumbling my way towards jetty6 packages.

I have added a module to jetty that uses mvn and ant to
create the debian source directory (the one with the debian
directory) ready for  dpkg-buildpackage to be run.

The ant task then goes on to run dpkg-buildpackage and
dpkg-deb in order to create libjetty6-java and jetty6

Note that rules does not actually build the jars, as
the mvn/ant tasks builds a binary tree to work on.  I'm
not sure this is OK - but it was a quick way to get working
with the layout etc.

I'd like to get these as close to perfect as possible before
doing the jetty6-extra, jetty6-demo and jetty6-jsp packages.

The init.d script is now a merge of the standard one in jetty
and the one from the jetty5 package.  It needs more works, specifically
to use start-stop-daemon

I'd really appreciate feedback on what I have done:

check out jetty with svn from http://svn.codehaus.org/jetty/jetty/trunk
build with "mvn install"
cd contrib/debian
mvn install

and then the debs are in contrib/debian/target


Greg Wilkins wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to create some debian packages for Jetty 6 (and hightide 6) and I'm
> looking for somebody who know more about the process to help guide me.
> Jetty6 is a servlet 2.5 container.   hightide6 is the "premium" distro
> of jetty6, which means that it is patched and compiled for java5 and comes
> with preconfigured support for JNDI, JMS, JTA etc.
> Jetty and hightide are both apache 2.0 licensed.
> We'd love for the end result to end up as part of debian, but would be
> just as happy to have the debs available from our project site.
> There are a number of tricky things with Jetty6 and hightide, including:
> We compile the majority of Jetty6 for java1.4  including the servlet 2.5 API.
> Theoretically the 2.5 API is meant to be only java5, but there is nothing in
> the API that forces java5, so we like to make it available to java1.4 users.
> Unfortunately that has prevented us from using other servlet 2.5 API packages
> and we build our own API.   Depending on the policies of debian, we would
> be happy to either continue having our own api bundle, or perhaps just say
> that jetty debians are java5 only and use a standard api bundle.  As I 
> understand
> java 1.4 was not truely opensource, then the later approach may be better?
> servlet api is the only dependency of core jetty, and I would like to see
>  * a libjetty6 package with the core jars available (used by many other
>    java projects)
>  * a jetty6 package with the run time configuration and scripts etc
>  * potentially a binary setuid package that allows jetty to open port
>    80 and then change to another user.
>  * a jetty6-plus package with our optional jars for naming, jndi, ssl, ajp
>    I guess a lot of these could be in individual packages, but I think a
>    grab bag package might be simplest to start with?
> JSP is then a bit of a problem.  Jetty6 can work with the JSP 2.0 from
> jakarta, unpatched but we need to bring in some slf4j and commons logging
> jars to join the logging together.
> But we really want to use JSP 2.1 (to be compliant with servlet 2.5).
> Jetty uses JSP 2.1 from glassfish project (CDDL license), which our
> build process checkouts, patches (to join our logging) and then compiles.
> Due to some history of the glassfish project, the result is not a very
> clean division of API and impl.  The jsp-api-2.1 jar that results actually
> includes jstl and el APIs and the jsp-2.1 impl jar includes implementations
> for all of those.  Glassfish are in the process of refactoring their project
> to make the bits easier to reuse and I expect those dependencies may shake
> out then.  But for now I would like to make a jetty6-jsp2.1 package
> which is all the api and impl jars needed without any attempt to re-use
> other packages.  Once glassfish has refactored, I would definitely work
> to get the duplication removed from the jetty project and the debs.
> hightide is much the same, except it definitely is all compiled for
> java 5.  But it also has extra dependencies on packages like
> activemq and atomikos.  If these can be made available via debs - great,
> but I would not want to delay my own debs waiting for them.  So I
> think a certain degree of bundling extra jars will be needed.
> Anyway, while I am a ubuntu user, I have never built a deb before, so
> I'd really appreciate if somebody(s) could volunteer to be my mentor in
> this process?
> cheers
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