I K N O W L E D G E 

Gas & Liquid Flow Measurement and 
Custody Transfer Masterclass 
17 ? 19 June 2014 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


~ Advancing flow metering practices by staying ahead of developments in 
technologies, regulations 
and practices to reduce cost and improve efficiency ~


?It is a useful course for people who are interested to know more about meters 
that are used in today?s world. Good course and good facilitation.? 

? Petronas Oil Organization - Accounting Executive 

?Highly experienced, now it?s up to the industry to apply this expertise. Thank 
you Mr. Youssef Basrawi ? 

? Qatar Petroleum- Senior Planning Engineer 



Learn from a 40 years of experience consultant and internationally recognized 
expertise in the field the understanding, skills and solutions to resolve your 
measurement problems. 


He introduced several flow measurement technologies to Saudi Aramco and his 
Country, among which were the Master Meter Technology for Meter Prover 
Certification and the Water-in-Crude Monitoring Instruments for Custody 
Transfer Flow Measurement Applications. 


? Ultrasonic Flow Metering Devices and Their Applications to Royalty and 
Custody Transfer Measurements 

? Flow Measurements 

? Multiphase Measurements 

? Ship/Shore Deviation Variance Tolerance Limits 

? Mass Measurements 

? Loss Minimization and Increased Measurement Accuracy 



? CAPITALIZE on expert knowledge to gain maximum value on vital flow 
measurement issues. An opportunity to learn from expertise on how to tackle 
current problems encountered in flow measurement and loss control. 


? UPDATE on new and latest flow measurement technologies in custody transfer 
applications: ultrasonic flow meter, coriolis flow meter and etc to reduce 
losses in crude and product due to measurement errors. 


? CONSIDER recent improvements on turbine flow meter in custody transfer 
application and meter proving. Different methods, limitations and accuracy 
factors in improving accuracy. Tools to trouble shoot accuracy errors. 

? LEARN about calibrations for new technologies in flow metering, the best 
practices in dealing with factors that affect the accuracy of multiphase flow 
meter in oil and gas well testing. Become familiar with international 
hydrocarbon flow measurement standards and their incorporation into major 
petroleum companies? operational procedures and standards. 


? OBSERVE the different ways and methods custody measurement organizations 
interfaces with other major petroleum companies and departments to conduct 
business domestically and internationally. 



Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco)  |  Arabian Gulf Region Oil Companies  
|  Mobil Exxon Oil Companies  |  Chevron Texaco  |  National Operations and 
Maintenance Corporation (NOMAC)  |  Saudi Associations for Energy Economics 
(SAFE)  |  Emerson Flow Instrumentation  |  Daniels Flow Metering Equipment's & 
Instrumentation  |  Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers United 
States  |  Saudi Arabian Standards Organization (SASO) Saudi Arabia 

(Call in for Customized In House Training Solutions & Save up to 30% & Above)

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To request e-brochure and find out more about this event, please email to 
hai...@ik-trainings.com with subject title "Brochure-CT" or contact Hailey at 
+603 7651 1066

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