Processing control commands:
> tags -1 confirmed pending
Bug #799823 [kodi] Please version breaks/replaces to allow xbmc transition
packages to be installed
Ignoring request to alter tags of bug #799823 to the same tags previously set
Control: tags -1 confirmed pending
Hi Peter,
2015-09-23 1:10 GMT+02:00 peter green :
> Package: kodi
> Severity: important
> The xbmc packages have been turned into transition package to kodi but the
> transition packages are uninstallable due to the unversioned breaks/replaces
> in kodi. Pleas
Processing control commands:
> tags -1 confirmed pending
Bug #799823 [kodi] Please version breaks/replaces to allow xbmc transition
packages to be installed
Added tag(s) pending and confirmed.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Package: kodi
Severity: important
The xbmc packages have been turned into transition package to kodi but
the transition packages are uninstallable due to the unversioned
breaks/replaces in kodi. Please version the breaks/replaces so they only
apply to the real packages and not the transition p