On Jun 06 2012, Fabian Greffrath wrote:
> I was once talking with gtkpod upstream about their GPL-licensed
> MP4-plugin that linked against mp4v2 and was thus unredistributable.
> But they have resolved this issue differently, i.e. by using
> atomicparsley instead. Maybe you mixed this up...

Oh, quite probably I mixed those up. Then someone will have to see how to
substitute mp4v2 with something else (libav?). I hope to have some time for
doing that, but I honestly don't know.

BTW, can any of you (preferrably, many of you) test what I have put so far
in our repositories? It would be nice to get some feedback on many things

I tried to put moderately descriptive comments on the commits that I thought
that mattered when I felt that the "solution" that I took was more of a
dirty workaround than a proper solution.

In fact, given that this is pure work-in-progress, I would love to have
external comments on what to change so that I can limit my divergence from a
good, proper solution.


Rogério Brito : rbrito@{ime.usp.br,gmail.com} : GPG key 4096R/BCFCAAAA
http://rb.doesntexist.org/blog : Projects : https://github.com/rbrito/
DebianQA: http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=rbrito%40ime.usp.br

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