Hello list,
I was wondering, if it is possible to access kickoff classes outside of
the library itself. The kickoff namespace is not documented very well,
so I ask directly here, since I'm somewhat confused of all those classes
in the namespace.

I intend to write my own plasma applet where I'd need some
functionalities already implemented in kickoff. Particularly I find the
program menu launcher part very useful and would be glad if I could
reuse this widget in my own code. Could someone provide my some hints on
how to use this widget in custom code? Do I need some external linkings,
is it even possible just to instanciate and fill my own program widget
without fuss?

I tried a QMenu widget as Plasma::PopupApplet widget by the way, which
looks very buggy. Is this an intended behaviour?

QWidget * MyPlasmaPoupupApplet::widget()
  QMenu * foo = new QMenu();
  QMenu * bar = new QMenu();
  bar->addAction("Hello World from submenu");
  foo->addAction("Hello World");
  return foo;

This is what the Widget _should_ look like [1] and this is, what the
widget actually looks like [2]? What am I'm doing wrong here?

[1] http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/4220/73761448.png
[2] http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/5615/61229435.png
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