"Also, since most System Tray icons are applets which hardly ever
handle any files."
You forgot about applications like Telegram, Skype, etc. These
applications indeed accept files for sending.
Currently if I want to send a file via drag and drop I have to open the
window (e.g. Telegram) first (if
I think Martin means a behavior similar to the task manager where
dragging a file over a window and waiting a little will raise that
window so you can drag that file into the corresponding window.
There's no plans to implement this and I personally think apps don't
belong in System Tray
When you say system tray, what specifically are you referring to?
There are definitely no plans to support dropping files onto the
org.kde.plasma.systemtray containment.
are there any plans to implement drap and drop support to system tray?
So that it is possible to drag any file to an icon in the system tray,
then the window of the corresponding app opens and then the file can be
dropped in the right destination.
Best regards,