I agree that Paul that what's being proposed doesn't seem unprofessional
and the funds raised here are necessary, not extra. But I think we can
easily satisfy both parties: we'll have a link or button on Plasma
Welcome's Donate page that lets you see prior donors who donated for
this fundraiser
It seems I have lost David's email in the internets, but I can see it in the
Archive, so I will copy it here to contextualise my reply:
> I would be strongly opposed to having it somewhere the user hasn't
> explicitly opened, like the first-run wizard. It's more important that
> we come across as
I would be strongly opposed to having it somewhere the user hasn't
explicitly opened, like the first-run wizard. It's more important that
we come across as a product that's on par with a commercial offering
than raise the extra cash.
Having a set of names appear when you click the donate button wo