Author: sardzent                     Date: Mon Sep 24 20:01:04 2007 GMT
Module: SPECS                         Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- splited into separate packages
- not packaged
- missing nginx-common package
- ugly Summary and description
- unknown O:, C: and R:
- need lot of work

---- Files affected:
   nginx.spec (1.37 -> 1.38) 

---- Diffs:

Index: SPECS/nginx.spec
diff -u SPECS/nginx.spec:1.37 SPECS/nginx.spec:1.38
--- SPECS/nginx.spec:1.37       Mon Sep 24 21:38:24 2007
+++ SPECS/nginx.spec    Mon Sep 24 22:00:59 2007
@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@
 # - split into nginx-common, nginx, nginx-perl packages
 # Conditional build for nginx:
+%bcond_without light           # don't build light version
+%bcond_without mail            # don't build imap/mail proxy
+%bcond_without perl            # don't build with perl module
 %bcond_without addition        # adds module
 %bcond_without dav             # WebDAV
 %bcond_without flv             # FLV stream
-%bcond_without imap            # imap proxy
-%bcond_without mail            # mail module
-%bcond_without perl            # perl module
 %bcond_without poll            # poll
 %bcond_without realip          # real ip (behind proxy)
 %bcond_without rtsig           # rtsig
 %bcond_without select          # select
 %bcond_without status          # stats module
 %bcond_without ssl             # ssl support
-%bcond_with    http_browser            # header "User-agent" parser
+%bcond_with    http_browser    # header "User-agent" parser
 Summary:       High perfomance HTTP and reverse proxy server
 Summary(pl.UTF-8):     Serwer HTTP i odwrotne proxy o wysokiej wydajności
@@ -78,7 +78,64 @@
 configuration, and low resource consumption.
 %description -l pl.UTF-8
-Serwer HTTP i odwrotne proxy o wysokiej wydajności.
+Nginx ("engine x") jest wysokowydajnym serwerem HTTP, odwrotnym proxy
+a także IMAP/POP3 proxy. Nginx został napisany przez Igora Sysoev'a
+na potrzeby serwisu Jest to drugi pod względem ilości
+odwiedzin serwis w Rosji i działa od ponad dwóch i pół roku. Igor
+opublikował źródła na licencji BSD. Mimo, że projekt jest ciągle
+w fazie beta, już zasłynął dzieki stabilności, bogactwu dodatków,
+prostej konfiguracji oraz małej "zasobożerności".
+%package light
+Summary:       High perfomance HTTP and reverse proxy server
+Summary(pl.UTF-8):     Serwer HTTP i odwrotne proxy o wysokiej wydajno�~[ci
+Group:         Applications/System
+Requires:      nginx-common
+Provides:      group(http)
+Provides:      group(nginx)
+Provides:      user(nginx)
+Provides:      webserver
+%description light
+The smallest, but also the fastest nginx edition. No additional
+modules, no perl support, no imap proxy
+%description light -l pl.UTF-8
+Najmniejsza i najszybsza wersja nginx. Bez wsparcia dla perla,
+dodatkowych modulow oraz imap proxy
+%package perl
+Summary:       High perfomance HTTP and reverse proxy server
+Summary(pl.UTF-8):     Serwer HTTP i odwrotne proxy o wysokiej wydajno�~[ci
+Group:         Applications/System
+Requires:      nginx-common
+Provides:      group(http)
+Provides:      group(nginx)
+Provides:      user(nginx)
+Provides:      webserver
+%description perl
+Nginx with perl support. Mail modules not included.
+%description perl -l pl.UTF-8
+Nignx z obsluga perla. Bez wsparcia dla modulow poczty.
+%package mail
+Summary:       High perfomance HTTP and reverse proxy server
+Summary(pl.UTF-8):     Serwer HTTP i odwrotne proxy o wysokiej wydajno�~[ci
+Group:         Applications/System
+Requires:      nginx-common
+Provides:      group(http)
+Provides:      group(nginx)
+Provides:      user(nginx)
+Provides:      webserver
+%description mail
+Nginx with mail support. Only mail modules included.
+%description mail -l pl.UTF-8
+Nignx ze wsparciem tylko dla modulow poczty.
 #%package common
 #Summary:      Configuration files and documentation for Nginx
@@ -108,6 +165,103 @@
 # NB: not autoconf generated configure
+cp -f configure auto/
+%if %{with perl}
+./configure \
+       --prefix=%{_prefix} \
+       --sbin-path=%{_sbindir}/%{name} \
+       --conf-path=%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}.conf \
+       --error-log-path=%{_localstatedir}/log/%{name}/error.log \
+       --pid-path=%{_localstatedir}/run/%{name}.pid \
+       --lock-path=%{_localstatedir}/lock/subsys/%{name} \
+       --user=nginx \
+       --group=nginx \
+       --with-http_perl_module \
+       %{?with_addition:--with-http_addition_module} \
+       %{?with_dav:--with-http_dav_module} \
+       %{?with_flv:--with-http_flv_module} \
+       %{?with_poll:--with-poll_module} \
+       %{?with_realip:--with-http_realip_module} \
+       %{?with_rtsig:--with-rtsig_module} \
+       %{?with_select:--with-select_module} \
+       %{?with_status:--with-http_stub_status_module} \
+       %{?with_ssl:--with-http_ssl_module} \
+       %{!?with_http_browser:--without-http_browser_module} \
+       --http-log-path=%{_localstatedir}/log/%{name}/access.log \
--http-client-body-temp-path=%{_localstatedir}/cache/%{name}/client_body_temp \
+       --http-proxy-temp-path=%{_localstatedir}/cache/%{name}/proxy_temp \
+       --http-fastcgi-temp-path=%{_localstatedir}/cache/%{name}/fastcgi_temp \
+       --with-cc="%{__cc}" \
+       --with-cc-opt="%{rpmcflags}" \
+       --with-ld-opt="%{rpmldflags}"
+mv -f objs/nginx contrib/nginx.perl
+%if %{with mail}
+%{__make} clean
+./configure \
+       --prefix=%{_prefix} \
+       --sbin-path=%{_sbindir}/%{name} \
+       --conf-path=%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}.conf \
+       --error-log-path=%{_localstatedir}/log/%{name}/error.log \
+       --pid-path=%{_localstatedir}/run/%{name}.pid \
+       --lock-path=%{_localstatedir}/lock/subsys/%{name} \
+       --user=nginx \
+       --group=nginx \
+       --with-imap \
+       --with-mail \
+       --with-mail_ssl_module \
+       %{?with_addition:--with-http_addition_module} \
+       %{?with_poll:--with-poll_module} \
+       %{?with_realip:--with-http_realip_module} \
+       %{?with_rtsig:--with-rtsig_module} \
+       %{?with_select:--with-select_module} \
+       %{!?with_http_browser:--without-http_browser_module} \
+       --http-log-path=%{_localstatedir}/log/%{name}/access.log \
--http-client-body-temp-path=%{_localstatedir}/cache/%{name}/client_body_temp \
+       --http-proxy-temp-path=%{_localstatedir}/cache/%{name}/proxy_temp \
+       --http-fastcgi-temp-path=%{_localstatedir}/cache/%{name}/fastcgi_temp \
+       --with-cc="%{__cc}" \
+       --with-cc-opt="%{rpmcflags}" \
+       --with-ld-opt="%{rpmldflags}" \
+       %{?debug:--with-debug}
+mv -f objs/nginx contrib/nginx.mail
+%if %{with light}
+%{__make} clean
+./configure \
+       --prefix=%{_prefix} \
+       --sbin-path=%{_sbindir}/%{name} \
+       --conf-path=%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}.conf \
+       --error-log-path=%{_localstatedir}/log/%{name}/error.log \
+       --pid-path=%{_localstatedir}/run/%{name}.pid \
+       --lock-path=%{_localstatedir}/lock/subsys/%{name} \
+       --user=nginx \
+       --group=nginx \
+       %{?with_poll:--with-poll_module} \
+       %{?with_realip:--with-http_realip_module} \
+       %{?with_rtsig:--with-rtsig_module} \
+       %{?with_select:--with-select_module} \
+       %{?with_status:--with-http_stub_status_module} \
+       %{?with_ssl:--with-http_ssl_module} \
+       --without-http_browser_module \
+       --http-log-path=%{_localstatedir}/log/%{name}/access.log \
--http-client-body-temp-path=%{_localstatedir}/cache/%{name}/client_body_temp \
+       --http-proxy-temp-path=%{_localstatedir}/cache/%{name}/proxy_temp \
+       --http-fastcgi-temp-path=%{_localstatedir}/cache/%{name}/fastcgi_temp \
+       --with-cc="%{__cc}" \
+       --with-cc-opt="%{rpmcflags}" \
+       --with-ld-opt="%{rpmldflags}" \
+       %{?debug:--with-debug}
+mv -f objs/nginx contrib/nginx.light
+%{__make} clean
 ./configure \
        --prefix=%{_prefix} \
        --sbin-path=%{_sbindir}/%{name} \
@@ -141,6 +295,7 @@
 install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/rc.d/init.d \
@@ -237,6 +392,14 @@
 All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>
+Revision 1.38  2007/09/24 20:00:59  sardzent
+- splited into separate packages
+- not packaged
+- missing nginx-common package
+- ugly Summary and description
+- unknown O:, C: and R:
+- need lot of work
 Revision 1.37  2007/09/24 19:38:24  sardzent
 - up to 0.5.32

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