Ukazała się nowa wersja qtiplot.
O to zmiany:
- improved data analysis by adding: convolution/deconvolution, correlation, 
FFT from tables;- improved the behaviour of the main menu;- improved the bar 
plots: the bars can be drawn next to each other when plotting several bar 
curves having the same x values, by setting an offset;- added the possibility 
to enable/disable the autoscaling of fonts and the resizing of 2D layers in 
the "Preferences|Plots 2D" dialog;- added the posibility to draw smooth mesh 
lines in 3D plots (this can be disabled using the "Preferences|Plots 3D" 
dialog);Fixed several bugs in the 2D plots.

W załączniku oczywiście diff do speca.
Linux is like Wigwam. No Gates, No Windows, Apache Inside !!!
Index: qtiplot.spec
RCS file: /cvsroot/SPECS/qtiplot.spec,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 qtiplot.spec
--- qtiplot.spec	23 Jan 2006 00:14:17 -0000	1.8
+++ qtiplot.spec	25 Jan 2006 12:05:58 -0000
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
 Summary:	Data analysis and scientific plotting
 Summary(pl):	Analiza danych i naukowe rysowanie
 Name:		qtiplot
-Version:	0.7.6
+Version:	0.7.7
 Release:	1
 License:	GPL
 Group:		X11/Applications
-# Source0-md5:	251f69422543fbe8b4816914e99d94ee
+# Source0-md5:	3b519a88eb6b1c90b5bbe9b4a1d7b3ea
 Source1:	%{name}.desktop
 # Source2-md5:	380d33a8381911feb53a73a067932b60
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
-%doc manual-en/*.html
+%doc manual-en/*.html README.html
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/*
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