
The 5.9.1 development release of PLplot is now available. This  
release includes large number of improvements from 5.9.0, of which  
the following is a brief list:
1) A new PLplot function, plimagefr.
2) Improvements to the cairo driver family.
3) wxWidgets driver improvements.
4) pdf driver improvements.
5) svg driver improvements.
6) Ada language support improvements.
7) OCaml language support improvements.
8) Perl/PDL language support improvements.
9) Updates to various language bindings.
10) Updates to various examples.
11) Rename test subdirectory to plplot_test.
12) Website support files updated.
13) Internal changes to function visibility.
14) Dynamic driver support in Windows.
15) Documentation updates.

Development releases in the 5.9.x series will be available in the  
coming months and the next stable release will be 5.10.0.

As always, (1) Please refer to our wiki for the latest build and  
install instructions (http://www.miscdebris.net/plplot_wiki/index.php? 
title=Main_Page) and (2) Let us know of any problems / bugs that you  
run across while installing / using PLplot.


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