On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 5:52 AM, Werner Smekal<sme...@iap.tuwien.ac.at> wrote:
> On Aug 22, 2009, at 11:04 PM, Hezekiah M. Carty wrote:
>> For anyone interested, I have attached a patch for the Cairo plot
>> driver which speeds up plotting to the xcairo device considerably,
>> with the caveat that the plot contents will not appear in the plot
>> window until a flush occurs by one of:
>> - A call to plflush
>> - The end of the page is reached (e.g., pleop, plenv to start a new
>> page, plend/plend1 to end the plot stream)
> I was just thinking about the same change to the wxWidget driver ;)
>> This patch puts the behavior of the xcairo device somewhere between
>> the xwin driver which updates the plot display as it is made and the
>> qtwidget device which does not display the plot until the end of a
>> page.
>> The rendering speedup is attained by rendering the plot to an
>> off-screen surface and only updating the visible window when
>> requested.  With this patch applied, the PLplot examples render as
>> fast or faster on my system (64bit Linux, Cairo 1.8.6) with the xcairo
>> device as they do with the xwin device, without any flickering and
>> with all anti-aliasing enabled.
> Really faster then xwin? That would be quite unexpected. I would only
> believe that if cairo takes advantage of the graphics hardware.

I think it comes down to the continuous xwin on-screen updates, which
there are no on-screen updates until the page is complete for xcairo
with this patch.  Cairo's off-screen rendering is quite quick.  On my
system, according to the rather unscientific test of holding enter
after typing "time ./x11c -dev xwin" and "time ./x11c -dev xcairo", I
get ~1.8 seconds for xwin and ~1.2 seconds for xcairo.

Conversely, for example 16, xwin takes ~1.1-1.2 seconds while xcairo
takes ~1.2-1.4 seconds.

>> The compiled PLplot examples illustrate the speedup  (particularly
>> examples 11, 16 and 20) and flicker-free rendering (example 17) quite
>> nicely.  The shortcoming of not seeing the plot updates until a flush
>> becomes most noticeable when using the xcairo driver interactively,
>> say from an interactive Octave, OCaml or Python session.  This lack of
>> interactive updates could be worked around with threading similar to
>> the pthread use in the xwin driver.  The xwin threading code is quite
>> lengthy and complicated though, so this would likely be a fairly
>> significant task.
> In the moment for the wxWidgets driver I update the screen every 100
> commands or so, which makes the driver slow - I actually believe that the
> xwin driver does something similar (at least I got the idea from there). We
> could introduce a command line option to set this parameter. If not set the
> driver waits for plfush() or pleop(), if set it updates every x plot
> commands. Otherwise I don't think it's so bad, that you need plflush(). It's
> an extra command, but on the other side it gives you full control as a user.
> I also intend introducing threading in the wxWidgets driver, but this is
> maybe simpler, since wxWidgets provides such functionality.

A command line option to adjust the number of plot updates before a
display update sounds like a good idea.  "0" could mean only update on
a flush/eop, "1" would be update after each plotting event (the
current pre-patch behavior), and so on.  I agree that "0" is a
sensible default.

I'm a little concerned that using a value like 100 updates for xcairo
would lead to strange results during interactive use unless it is
combined with some sort of timing-based threaded updates.  Otherwise
an update might trigger in the middle of, for example, a shade or
image plot, leaving the user looking at what appears to be a broken
plot command but is really just not fully updated on screen.

>> I have been using this patch locally for about 6 months.  I find it
>> makes the xcairo device much more useful for me.  The speedup provided
>> by the off-screen rendering allows me to use the xcairo and its
>> improved rendering quality where I would have formerly used xwin due
>> to its impressive speed.
>> All that said, I would like to ask for comments from others on this
>> patch before applying it to PLplot.  I had asked a few other
>> developers for comments on a similar patch several months ago, with
>> the main concerns voiced at the time centering around the lack of
>> visible updates as a plot is made unless plflush is called or the plot
>> page ends.  This is a significant visible change to how the xcairo
>> device works.  I intended to bring the discussion of this on-list at
>> that time, but clearly this was delayed by a few months!
> I think it's okay, but maybe a command line option for setting the update
> rate would be great. We set it to a certain number, so that the average user
> will not see to much difference if the plot is updated every 100 commands.
> But it'll be faster which is always a good thing.

This would be a fairly invasive code change in the Cairo driver, as
each plotting function would have to call the
check-and-possibly-update-the-screen function.  I can look in to what
it would take to do this versus adding basic threading support for
screen updates to the xcairo device.

Thank you for the comments.


Hezekiah M. Carty
Graduate Research Assistant
University of Maryland
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science

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