
Sorry for the newbie question, but I'm very curious about Plucker latest

I saw screenshots of the beautiful work of Robert O'Connor with color
support for page elements in Plucker viewer
(http://www.rob.md/projects/plucker/2001_10_06/index.htm) and Plucker
Desktop for Windows

Unfortunately, the only version of the viewer available for download on
his page is in german and I don't understand nothing in this language. I
tried to build the prc file myself with the resources files he provides,
I've donwloaded all the tools from Palm dev website, installed it on my
system, but after some hours I had to abandon because I couldn't get it
to work and dind't understand anything in building a prc file, even
after reading the help/how-to install files provided by Palm...
(BTW, does somone know a good step-by-step guide to install and use this
dev software in Windows? How-tos exists for Linux, but for Windows it's
harder to find...)

So I'd want to know if it is possible to find an english version of the
viewer with color support somewhere (or, better, a french one), and if
someone has a link to try Plucker desktop... Sorry for annoying
everybody here with this request but I couldn't find Robert O'Connor's
email address on his website neither on this list...
I'm don't know anything about developing Palm software but I'm very used
to test applications (BTW I own a M505 and a WinXP PC), find and report
problems... So I'd be very happy to help the plucker dev team this

You can send me files or informations at

Aurélien M. LAUBUS

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