Palm OS 5 Tungsten and Sony CLie'

2003-05-29 Thread Bob Lyons
Is there a specific branch in the repository and or release specifically to address the Palm OS 5 compatibility issues? Thanks, Bob Lyons ___ plucker-dev mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: recent CVS updates

2003-02-19 Thread Bob Lyons
We would be interested in both alpha and beta testing. I would prefer to do some alpha testing to make sure we get some compatibility testing in on all the devices. Thanks, Bob Lyons -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Adam McDaniel Sent

RE: recent CVS updates

2003-02-19 Thread Bob Lyons
Any news on Palm OS 5 compatibility? Do we have beta source that needs to be testedwe have a lab and QA Engineers prepared to test the viewer code. Thanks, Bob Lyons -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Adam McDaniel Sent: Wednesday

Palm OS 5 SysZlib.prc

2002-12-22 Thread Bob Lyons
willing to test the Plucker application with the beta Syszlib and provide feedback and help where we can. Thanks, Bob Lyons Director, Quality Assurance Salu, Inc. ___ plucker-dev mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]