On Sun, Oct 20, 2002 at 11:13:49PM -0400, Alexandre Enkerli wrote:
> Just been trying the Hi-Res version on my Clié SL10. I had the notion I 
> would be able to use the jog dial to "click" on links the same way I 
> can click on buttons with JogAssist. Was I too naive or is this what's 
> in the works?

In the works.. Infact, on the homepage hires.plkr.org, it's one of the
wishlist items. Simply put, it's easier said than done. I havn't yet
started the code in order to actually DO it yet. I'm waiting for the
linked-list modifications in anchor.c to be put through, first.

> In fact, it could possibly be supported through the standard hardware 
> buttons. Navigation would be a whole lot easier that way.

Well, once the feature has been added in, linking it into the jogdial
would be just as easy as linking it in with the up/down buttons. 

Adam McDaniel
Calgary, AB, Canada

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