For all things java on Ubuntu, adding the WebUpd8 repo is pretty darn handy:

This will eliminate the pain of futzing with the Oracle installation

On Sun, Apr 12, 2015 at 9:06 PM John Jason Jordan <>

> On Sun, 12 Apr 2015 19:07:19 -0700
> King Beowulf <> dijo:
> >The Java 7 (either jre or jdk) that comes with your distro should work
> >fine.  I'm running on that is older than yours:
> >
> >$ java -version
> >java version "1.7.0_71"
> >Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_71-b14)
> >Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.71-b01, mixed mode)
> >
> >$ java -jar FlashPAP.jar
> >Program started.
> >
> >The GUI pops up although I don't have the hardware to test
> >functionality.
> >
> >Your issue is not your Java version, but XUbuntu screwed up something
> >so that the jar file can't find the version string. You may also have a
> >64/32 bit issue - depending on which java runtime architecture you
> >installed, Try :
> >
> >java -d32 -jar FlashPAP.jar
> >java -d64 -jar FlashPAP.jar
> >
> >or try forcing the version from the "java -version" build string:
> >
> >$ java -version:"1.7.0_71-b14" -jar FlashPAP.jar
> I tried 32 and 64 bit and 64-bit worked (although it still pops up the
> error message about the version), and 32-bit failed. I tried to use
> your version: command, but couldn't get the version label correct to
> match what I have.
> But what is exceptionally helpful is that you got the program to run
> with your Java, which is older than mine. I think I can now safely
> forget about installing more/different/newer Javas.
> It is entirely possible that the problem lies with Ubuntu, but bear in
> mind that the person who wrote the app is an amateur who wrote it on
> Windows and just assumed that it should run on other platforms because
> it is Java. He never tried it on any other computers. He has already
> had feedback from other users revealing other bugs. If it's possible
> that the problem is in his Java code I would rate that as a more likely
> source of the problem.
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