Just before the end of 2015, sys admins all over the world woke up to
    a whimsical message beaming out of their computer screens.

    “DELETE your logs. Delete your installations. Wipe everything clean,
    Walk out into the path of cherry blossom trees and let your motherboard
    feel the stones,” the poem started.

    It was sent out from an IP address associated with the 32nd Chaos
    Communication Congress (32c3), an annual arts, politics and security
    festival that takes place in Hamburg, Germany. The message was fired
    out to a swathe of the public internet, attempting to hit all the IP
    addresses it could and leave its musings in administrators’ server logs.

And indeed:
rumpus% grep access.log-20160103  # IP addr found through 
earlier grep for msg - - [29/Dec/2015:21:19:25 -0800] "DELETE your logs. Delete
    your installations. Wipe everything clean. Walk out into the path of
    cherry blossom trees and let your motherboard feel the stones. Let water
    run in rivulets down your casing. You know that you want something more
    than this, and I am here to tell you that we love you. We have something
    more for you. We know you're out there, beeping in the hollow server
    room, lights blinking, never sleeping. We know that you are ready and
    waiting. Join us. <3 HTTP/1.0" 400 518 "-" "masspoem4u/1.0"

      Michael Rasmussen, Portland Oregon  
    Be Appropriate && Follow Your Curiosity
How many times will you watch the full moon rise?
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