>> Where is Linux going in the future?

Well, I'm pretty sure a direction it's *not* going is toward One
Distribution to Bind Them All, though Ubuntu is about as close as it
gets.  We're a very fractured community.  If something seems works
well one one distro, it's likely to be taken up by the others, but if
we wanted to run the same thing everyone else is running, we wouldn't
be using Linux to begin with.

So why do you run Linux?  Because you want to keep your skills sharp?
Because you like the flexibility?  For the freedom?  Whatever it is,
there's probably a distro that's best for those reasons.

CentOS/RHEL is meant to run on servers.  If you want to stick with the
Red Hat paradigm, but trade some stability for desktop performance,
then try Fedora.  If you don't mind moving away from RPMs altogether
and you want recent packages with a large community and a lot of
support, then Ubuntu is the obvious choice.  If you want to
micromanage your computer and you don't mind stuff breaking whenever
you upgrade, then give Gentoo a try.

Burn yourself some LiveCDs.  Just about every major distribution has a
LiveCD that will run the OS free of commitment.

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