I don’t always separate out /home (depends on if space is tight and I will need 
/home to be able to take advantage of that space flexibly), but definitely 
separate out /tmp and /var. 

Most systems I’ve worked on have some downtime available, so if you are in a 
five-nines situation, this might not be for you, but here’s how I would do 

- First, get the system into single-user mode or better, boot from something 
like Knoppix. 
- Add some permanent storage and make partitions for /var, /tmp and so on. 
- Now make some mountpoints on the original filesystem like /mnt/var, /mnt/tmp, 
etc. and temporarily mount your new partitions there. (Those mountpoints may 
look a little different if you are booting from Knoppix.) 
- Recursively copy with `sudo cp -v --recursive --preserve /var/* /mnt/var` 
(for /var, for example). Make sure to check your original directories for any 
dotfiles, as that command will miss those. 
- Unmount those temporary mountpoints.
- Move the original directories out of the way (i.e. sudo mv /tmp /tmp.bak) and 
make a new /tmp, /var, etc. making sure the permissions match the originals 
you’ve just moved.
- Edit /etc/fstab to automount your new partitions to your new mountpoints, 
reboot and double-check your work.

I’m sure there’s ways to shorten all that, but you get the idea.

Tony Jeffries
“Caffeinated For Your Safety"

On Aug 7, 2014, at 1:33 PM, benjamin barber <starwor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I usually have /var/ and /home separate from the root install.
> On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 1:24 PM, MIke C. (Tech. Coord.) <
> mike.conn...@albertagrocery.coop> wrote:
>> One of the of the worst nightmares of a new incoming SysAdmin has to be
>> having the server not be accessible because the previous SysAdmin thought
>> it was good idea to only have a root partition and then some backup script
>> fails and spools up on the local drive, or there's a bug, virus, etc and /
>> fills up.
>> Asking people who have direct experience with resolving this nightmare what
>> the best method is of migrating a production server install on a single /
>> partition to a multi-partitioned install.
>> Cheers,
>> Mike
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