It's that time of year when I start to get all those crazy ideas for 
projects to take on in the
new year. When I lived in the Bay Area for a short time I discovered 
with much glee the
San Francisco Community Colocation Project [].

"It is a community-based provider of Internet connectivity services for 
non-profits, community groups and open source, free software 
initiatives. Our primary goals are to provide affordable connectivity 
and a space where online free speech and privacy are protected. Our 
'colo facility' provides proper mounting, power and internet uplink for 
rack-mounted servers that are required for hosting websites, e-mail, 
databases and other related technologies. These types of facilities are 
the backbone of the Internet."

I figure with Portland being the Open Source WHQ, an abundance of 
talent, lots of community-oriented folks, and small bizs / NFP's galore 
this is as good of place as any to try and follow SFCCP's lead. I know 
some good people who started small bizs last year and had to choke down 
the web site hosting costs. I'd love to be able to support new small 
bizs w. free web site hosting for 3, 6, 9, or 12 mths. That's 
potentially a few hundred $ that could be better utilized in getting the 
biz off the ground. And then hopefully the would become a "supporting" 
member and donate to the cause.

So, what do you say? Anyone interested in getting together and talking 
about this???


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