On 07/12/2017 07:35 PM, King Beowulf wrote:
> On 07/12/2017 05:43 PM, Dick Steffens wrote:
>> I can't get the two screen settings to change and stay correct on my new
>> machine.
>> <--->
>> nvidia-settings and its GUI can't adjust all X.Org parameters, since
>> 'root' is needed to save those functions and X does not read $HOME.
>> You'll still need a proper xorg.conf file to tell X.org what to do.  The
>> APPLY button is for Monitor and GPU parameters that do not require the X
>> server to restart or reset.
>> <--->
>> Here are 2 methods (There is a third involving the xrandr utility, but I
>> will leave that as a exercise for the reader).
>> 1. Run nvidia-settings GUI as root or (ugh) sudo, click  "Advanced..."
>> button, and configure the settings the way you want.  Then, instead of
>> "apply" click on "Save to X Configuration File" and save to
>> /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/xorg.conf
>> Name can be anything ending in .conf
>> Restart X.org server.
>> <--->

The issue for me was not running nvidia-settings as root.

I ran:
     gksudo nvidia-settings

The only change I made was to check the box to make the large monitor on 
the left the primary display. After living with it for a week I came to 
prefer the larger monitor on the left. The only annoyance was the panels 
above and below the main screen area were on the right hand monitor. 
Making the left hand monitor the primary display fixed that. I did save 
the settings to /etc/X11/xorg.config. To verify things were permanently 
fixed I rebooted. All is as expected. The left hand monitor is the 
primary display and has the panels at the top and bottom of the screen.

Thanks for the pointers.


Dick Steffens

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