> I believe I successfully untarred the libflashplayer.so file. I
> copied it to the mozilla, epiphany, and iceweasel plugins directories
> successfully as far as I can tell.
What happens if you just install flash player via apt with?
"apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree"
> Subject: Re: [PLUG] trying to get flash to work in epiphany and iceweasel
> I believe I successfully untarred the libflashplayer.so file. I
> copied it to the mozilla, epiphany, and iceweasel plugins directories
> successfully as far as I can tell. See below. When I go to a
I believe I successfully untarred the libflashplayer.so file. I
copied it to the mozilla, epiphany, and iceweasel plugins directories
successfully as far as I can tell. See below. When I go to a flash
test page like http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/welcome/
I am told I need to download the flash p
Getting flash to work iceweasel is very easy, get the source code for
flash like you did, untarball it and then do this. cd to ~/.mozilla -
mkdir plugins - and then copy file "libflashplayer.so" to
Have not mucked with Epiphany much as I dumped it because of its
Please enter the installation path of the Mozilla, Netscape,
or Opera browser (i.e., /usr/lib/mozilla):
at which point I type.
- You want to specify "/usr/lib/iceweasel" or alternatively you can just
copy the libflashplayer.so file to /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins
I installed debian on my laptop.
I am using epiphany and iceweasel.
I followed the instruction from adobe's website to install flash:
Installation instructions for tar.gz
1. Click the download link to begin installation. A dialog box
will appear asking you where to save the file.