Portland Linux/Unix Group General Meeting Announcement

Who: Ali Corbin
What: My COVID Art Project with Perl and Image::Magick
Where: https://meet.jit.si/pdxlinux
When: Thursday, March 4th, 2021 at 7pm
Why: The pursuit of technology freedom

Back in the summer I started an art project for COVID times. I wrote a Perl script, using Image::Magick, that calculates the number of days since March 13, 2020 and then converts each number into ASCII text and draws it on a canvas, nudging the size, position and color slightly between each one. I ran this every day, collecting a bunch of images (350, at this point).

That was the first part. After I started to get a number of these images, I started assembling them into mosaics. At first I used all the images I'd made, sorting them out from dark to light and ordering them to match the dark to lightness of a reference photo. After a while I changed the logic to pick out the image that was the closest match in value to each area of the reference photo. And currently I'm picking out the closest image in hue.

About Ali

As for me, I'm an old-fart programmer. I started out back in the 70's, writing in assembly language, and worked for over three decades, dabbling in a mess of different languages on a slew of different platforms. As Linux gained prominence in the computing world, I worked more and more on it.

Project page: http://alijc.github.io/art/

Code repo: https://github.com/alijc/alijc.github.io/tree/master/art

Project Images: https://ali-corbin-sketches.blogspot.com/search/label/covid

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Michael Dexter
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