I've been tasked with evaluating the replacement of build tools for a
very large, multi-platform, multi-language (mostly Java and C++) 
client-server application.  Currently, the app is built using a
combination of Ant, Ivy, Java, Make, GCC, Visual Studio, and a whole
lot (and I do mean *a lot*) of Perl gluing things together.  It's
complex, brittle, and slow.

Bazel (https://bazel.build) sounds like it might be a candidate for us,
as it is designed for big heterogeneous applications like ours. But I
don't find a whole lot of information about it other than its own web
page, and I find its tutorials rather opaque and unilluminating. 
Curious if anyone has had experience with it, especially for C++

David Fleck <david.fl...@mchsi.com>
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