First step is remove the git.log file, run git gc, and see if the error
returns. The missing file issue can be transient, but can also be a case of
file corruption; often due to using a remote filesystem that has
synchronization issues (e.g. SMB).
If the error returns after removing the log fi
Um, that’s actually a copyright issue, not one involving alterations. Frankly,
if you own the physical media, you can do anything with it so long as you don’t
share it with others. That means up to, and including, making a physical backup
or Digital copy for your machine. I believe this might fa
Altering a dvd for any reason is against federal law. It displays that on the
beginning of the dvd or Blu-ray.
On Thu, Nov 3, 2022, at 20:06, Jim via PLUG-discuss wrote:
> I bought some DVDs recently that have those annoying trailers before
> the main menu that I can't skip or fast forward to.
I bought some DVDs recently that have those annoying trailers before
the main menu that I can't skip or fast forward to. Is there some
llnux software that would let me remove those trailers from a copy I
make of one of the DVDs? thanks
I have a Linux Debian music server/streamer that I use to send audio PCM
output via S/PDIF optical to my DAC in my stereo system. I have a new DAC
that can accept USB output at higher resolutions. I am having syntax
difficulty modifying the mpd.comf file audio_output section to enable the
USB outpu
moin moin,
I tried to get the error in English.
$ LANG=en_US git add Infos.adoc
$ LANG=en_US git commit Infos.adoc -m 'Infos zur Vortraege'
Auto packing the repository in background for optimum performance.
See "git help gc" for manual housekeeping.
warning: The last gc run reported the fol
I started an update, went and ate an apple and came back to this:
W: Target Packages (main/binary-amd64/Packages) is configured multiple
times in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/additional-repositories.list:1 and
W: Target Packages (main/binary-all/Packages) is