Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty v1.9.0 - now with experimental Spotify Connect support!

2017-12-20 Thread dlpucci
Learned Colleagues: I'm running my Squeezebox Duet off of a Linux NAS which can only handle LMS 7.7.3 or older versions. Will Spotty 1.9X work or am I subjecting myself to a painful gesture of futility? Thanks!! dlpucc

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotify Protocol Handler - play Spotify on all your Squeezeboxen

2017-12-20 Thread dlpucci
Learned Colleagues: The idea of scrolling through 61 pages of posts is daunting. I have a really old setup, in that I got my Squeezebox Duet back in 2008 and am running it off of an older LINUX NAS that only supports up to LMS 7.7.3. Can I use this Spotify Protocol Handler and the Logitech's Spo