I bought my Squeezebox Boom earlier this week.

One of the first things I did was install SuperDateTime to display the
temperature. This worked well for a few days and then stopped working.
Temperature stayed the same and did not change.

Running a quick network sniffer on my SquezeCenter showed that
wunderground.com was no longer supplying the info. SuperDateTime tries
to load:


(Where ITHATCHA1 is my PWS).

The reply from the website was:

<!-- 0.058:0 -->

Which is missing the values! Which is why SuperDateTime is not working
for me.

Having used wunderground for other things I believe SuperDateTIme may
be better off using the XML page which seems to be more reliable:


Because all I wanted on the display was the temperature as well as
time, I copied the standard DateTime plugin, added a simple perl
routine to grab this data:

sub getTemp {
        my $station_id = shift;
        my $url_string =
"http://api.wunderground.com/weatherstation/WXCurrentObXML.asp?ID="; .
        my $content = LWP::Simple::get $url_string;
        my $xml = new XML::Simple;
        my $data = $xml->XMLin($content);
        return $data->{temp_c};

And then added the temp_c value to the display.

Worked really well, and helped me understand a bit about how plugins

The ability to customise the Boom is really great. I am tempted to buy
another one for downstairs. Would be great if Logitech made a slightly
bigger all in one device.


swatts1000's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=23327
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