Erland, I reported bug 9073:
When an alarm goes off, I see the now playing screensaver. After 30 seconds into songs, if I try to press keys, the first keypress is ignored or causes strange things to happen. Sometimes I briefly see the power-off screensaver or idle screensaver. A second keypress is often needed, but it depends if I have waited ~30 seconds since the last keypress (i think this problem is screensaver related, as my screensaver delay time is 30 secs). I have the screensaver when playing set to "Now Playing". It appears that this problem only occurs when I have selected a dynamic playlist as the alarm playist (i.e. I played a favorite without any problems). The only thing I see in the log to do with Dynamic Playlist is: [10:08:09.6197] Slim::Web::Settings::handler (145) Preference names must be prefixed by "pref_" in the page template: favouritesname (PLUGIN_DYNAMICPLAYLIST_FAVIOURITESETTINGS) Phil _______________________________________________ plugins mailing list