[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: "Auto Dim Display" Plugin in 6.2b1

2005-09-09 Thread MeSue
Thanks! By the way, the problem I mentioned in message 1 might have something to do with what is discussed in this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=16175 and not the Auto-dim plugin. -- MeSue Sue PS: I want a Squeezebox boombox.

[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: "Auto Dim Display" Plugin in 6.2b1

2005-09-09 Thread tgoldstone
> > If you are interested in an enhancement request, here's a suggestion. > It would be nice if I could designate an auto-on time but do the > turning off manually. This would work better for me because I cut the > lights at all different times. But if not… it's no biggie. > Around line 55 in t

[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: "Auto Dim Display" Plugin in 6.2b1

2005-09-09 Thread MeSue
Okie dokie… I can work around it for now. I can't blame you for wanting to wait on 6.2. ;-) If you are interested in an enhancement request, here's a suggestion. It would be nice if I could designate an auto-on time but do the turning off manually. This would work better for me because I cut the

[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: "Auto Dim Display" Plugin in 6.2b1

2005-09-09 Thread tgoldstone
That is because it was designed for 6.1 not 6.2. I have been waiting for a solid 6.2 before installing it on my production box. I am planning on making some changes in the next couple of weeks so it will work with 6.2. -- tgoldstone ___ plugins mail