[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: getting Auto Dim Display and Shutdown Server plugins to play nicely together

2006-12-24 Thread aubuti
Wow, that was fast! The simple substitution kdf recommended seems to have worked, and it's good to see there will be an official fix coming soon. Thanks guys!! -- aubuti aubuti's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/memb

[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: getting Auto Dim Display and Shutdown Server plugins to play nicely together

2006-12-23 Thread tgoldstone
I made the changes that KDF mentioned and hope to have an updated version shortly. -- tgoldstone tgoldstone's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=373 View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/sho

[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: getting Auto Dim Display and Shutdown Server plugins to play nicely together

2006-12-23 Thread kdf
There are several issues that come up right away with these two plugins. First off, the strings conflict. Instead of using something like PLUGIN_NAME, both of these should be more directly related to the plugin, like PLUGIN_AUTODIM_NAME and PLUGIN_SHUTDOWNNAME. This is especially important for t